Another aimed-at-your-normie-friends column from former normie Brian Cates, in this case describing the utter devastation that Trump and MAGA have wrought on the quisling "conservative" movement. As usual, it's an entertaining read even for the long-awake (well, for me at least). An excerpt below:
They never fought for us. Not only were they NOT fighting for us, but Conservative, Inc. was a vital control tool of the UniParty Forever Wars Machine.
They never had anything but contempt for us. But they did manage to fool millions of us.
Until Trump showed up and became the face of our movement, and they were forced to start TELLING US what they really thought about us. The shock of their being trolled into doing that cannot be underestimated during this currently ongoing Great Awakening.
The Conservative Inc. and the Progressive Inc. wings of the media are run by the same UniParty.
They've been engaged in a massive psychological operation against the rest of us for decades now.
It seems like all the Rino leadership is all falling one by one and is so far being replaced with MAGA. First McCarthy in the house than Ronna at the RNC, and even McConnell will be gone in November. However we still need to make sure Mitch's replacement won't also be a RINO. Trump may be engineering these events from behind the scenes.