posted ago by StormzAComing ago by StormzAComing +132 / -2

Today we have an exquisitely special drop. Five years ago (long time by now), Q posted this:


Let's break this down. Future proves past, does it not? What does it look like with five years of happenings? Let's dig in!

>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).

Who is controlling your ideas? What are you reading? Are you getting the full picture necessary to make the Truth Conclusion? Do you know all the facts? What are your sources hiding or conveniently forgetting? You cannot decide for yourself if your worldview matches external propaganda. BE FREE!

>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).

Don't straddle the fence. Don't draw a grey smudge. Draw the line in black and white on your convictions. Where do you stand? Where will you stand when the Storm is raging? Where will you stand when the Storm is over? BE OBJECTIVE!

>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).

Know yourself. Know yourself. Know your beliefs. Know your values. Know your convictions. Understand those things, and believe in them like you believe in God. God is your shield, but you must raise that shield yourself! BE TRUE!

>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).

What do the facts say? Are the gangs really eating people, or is that Clinton comms? Why did Trump sell golden shoes? What really happened in the 2020 elections? Follow the facts. Follow the money. Follow the wives. And don't be discouraged when the truth is not what you thought it was. BE OPEN!

>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).

When the Storm is raging, be that deeply-rooted tree that does not bend or break in the wind. Be that shelter of solid rock. Be that lighthouse! In the present, your conviction to your beliefs, will define your character, your worldview, and how others view you. Be strong, be bold, be courageous! Defend them like a momma bear! BE STRONG!

>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).

Do not follow the hivemind. Do not blindly believe the comment section. The mods are not infallible. TRUST BUT VERIFY! Resist the urge to lazily let others research for you. You must do it yourself in order to make sure for yourself! Online, you don't know if your fellow anon is a disguised glowie playing his role well. BE FACTUAL!

>Decide for yourself (be free)

Once you have obtained freedom, objectivity, truthfulness, openness, strength, and reality, you can BE FREE! Free from propaganda. Free from Lucifer's attacks. Free from the whims of the world. Free from all fear, all hate, all evil.

John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." NEVER FORGET THIS! BE FREE!

Those who attack you.

Who is attacking you? Pro tip: its not only the Jews we need to be aware of. All of mankind has the capability to to ensnared by Lucifer and made to do unspeakable things. Who is calling you far-right? Extremist? Literally Hitler? If you are over the target, you will receive the most flak. You must know your enemy.

Those who mock you.

Who is impostoring? Who is making a mockery of your work, your sacrifice, your beliefs? Who is vainly insulting your intelligence, pretending to be morally superior? Who are the wolves in sheep's clothing? You must know your enemy.

Those who cull you.

Why do they want to kill you? Why do they want to cull you? Why do they want to vaccinate, castrate, and euthanize you and everyone you know? Who are these people? The truth of their agenda is evil beyond imagination. The truth on the Q Operation is good beyond imagination. Opposites attract. The magnetic collision will be Biblical. You must know your enemy.

Those who control you.

Who is running your narrative? Who is editing your news? Who is talking on your radio show? Who is a guest at your podcast? Who is singing to you? Who is brainwashing you? I would hope that the answer is "nobody," but we are all affected by this endless stream of negativity and propaganda. Take the wheel of your own ship. Decide for yourself. You must know your enemy.

Those who label you.

Who called you Deplorable? Who called you racist? Who called you sexist, -phobic, and hateful? They don't love you. They don't represent you. They don't know who you are. They don't care. They want to attack you, mock you, cull you, control you, and yet label you as the true threat. You must know your enemy.

Do they represent you?

Well, do they? Only if you support Lucifer. Those who are ransomed by Christ are not represented by those used by Lucifer to control Earth. YOU MUST KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?

They truly do represent themselves. They are the embodiment of hate, the personification of evil, the apparition of Lucifer on Earth. The reptilians you see are those most deeply, most irrevocably caught in his evil talons. What do they do? Why do they do it? How do they do it and get away with it? Tough questions require tough answers.

Mental Enslavement.

Break those chains off. Intellectually revolt. Intelligently revolt. Emotionally revolt. Leave the Matrix. Your mental enslavement is over. Say it out loud! What is loosed on Earth is loosed in heaven! SAY IT! "Mental enslavement be gone in the name of Jesus!"

The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

This right here captures the essence of the Great Awakening and the Q Operation. It's not just about arresting and executing all the traitors. It's about a global, total, and final Awakening, an awakening to ALL of the truth, ALL of the madness, ALL of the evil. An awakening to END THE ENDLESS is in order, and will be shortly forthcoming. Let every anon be a patriot to their own country, and let us all strive to make our countries great again!

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.

The barn is burning down right now because the sheep woke up and want to go outside and breathe fresh air and eat green grass and drink clean water. This chaos you see, it's all a projection of the dumpster fire raging inside every Cabal stronghold, every Deep State outpost, every Luciferian grove. They know they have lost control and they will never regain it. That is why they fight like rats on a sinking ship. Nothing matters to them but power, money, lust. Now do you understand why it couldn't happen sooner?

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

Us anons who are standing outside the barn already, watching the inferno and watching everyone escaping the Matrix, we see the 40,000 ft view on the situation. When you are looking from such a wide angle, you can see the beautiful future rising from the ashes like a phoenix. Sure, the next year or so may be rough. Sure, we may lose more loved ones. But in the end, all will be restored. In the end, Christ shall return and resurrect the dead to live again eternally in a New Earth, Christ's eternal Kingdom! Is that not the freest of all thought? Is that not our highest aspiration, our greatest imagination, our deepest desire?

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

Free thought is the attainment of wisdom. Free thought is the attainment of logic. Free thought is the attainment of rationality. Free thought is the type of thought God wants you to have! Dogma is dead, long live freedom of imagination!

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.

Do you see clearly the course of events and the Guide? Do you see Q? Do you see Q+? Do you see the gears and cogs working together to orchestrate the impossible into a real and vital thing? Awakening is but the first step of ascension, but the first step is always the most important. Do you clearly see where to step?

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

I can't make this choice for you. Q can't. God can't. That choice is yours. The choice to awaken, the choice to exercise the free will God gave you. The choice to live in freedom, not in slavery. The choice to live in prosperity, not in debt. THE CHOICE IS YOURS, ANON!

Trust and put faith in yourself.

Taking this all together, you can easily become your own worst enemy, especially when the truth is hard to swallow. You must trust your instincts, trust the advice of the Holy Spirit working within you, trust your heavenly Father who knew all of this before he even spoke a single atom into existence. He knew the depravity of man and yet He forgave us time and again because He knows we CAN be redeemed! We have free will and we CAN choose to exit the Matrix and be redeemed! Trust yourself to know, discern, and self-validate (Holy Spirit gut instinct).

You are not alone and you are not in the minority.

There are millions worldwide waiting for this moment. Many have already taken that plunge and woken up to the truth. Many have lost hope and killed themselves in despair because they were not well founded on the truth of knowledge and wisdom. But we have an opportunity now to GIRD OURSELVES with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace (against spiritual/immortal wickedness) and the intelligence preview of Q (against physical/mortal wickedness). SO, GIRD YOURSELVES, ANONS!

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

Are you ready, anons? ARE YOU READY, ANONS?