54 Things Ted Kaczynski was right about: (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +56 / -2 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Incidentally, he was MKULTRA’d.
CIA did LSD experiments on him at Ha-Vaaad.... I think some of it was not exactly voluntary - don’t recall for sure.
I added a YouTube link. From the Dark Matters series.
Canada - CIA /MKULTRA - experiments on people - involuntary
Worth a watch - not directly Ted K. but relevant.
So was Robert Duncan, while he was in college. Then he wrote The Matrix Deciphered. Kazcinski was his classmate.
Full Manifesto
why tf does this sound like it was written in the past few years lmao
Recently listened to it while searching for audiobooks to fall asleep to on bitchute. I couldn’t believe how accurate it portrayed what has happened in the last 50 years.. Worth a listen.
This is from Dark Matters Twisted But True. This is what supposedly happen to Ted