posted ago by PopcornTastesGood ago by PopcornTastesGood +31 / -1

Pleae forgive me, i am ignorant to new movies and hollywood as a whole, however tonight i have sat down to watch the newer wonka movie. It is completely a documentary about small businesses in America.

Even if they didnt mean to make it that way, which i highly doubt they didnt, it is.

You have the small business owner immediatley starting off in a neraly insurmountable debt, having a great product that all other companies want. Instead of simply trying to make their product better, they try to sabotage and bring down the superior product.

They pay the right people off, making them fat with cash, to bring hell upon these companies. I havent finished it yet, but there is alot behind this whimsical musical movie.

I may be off the rails, but its all here.