You know, I'll be honest enough to say that almost two years ago when I found God, I had to really self-evaluate and accept the sins ive chosen to embrace
Lust was absolutely one of them, and i'm not gonna say i'm a saint at this point and it doesnt still tap me on the shoulder more than I'd like. Porn can be an addiction just like anything else that "makes us feel good" but...
At least even in my biggest levels of depravity I never mutilated my body and made myself an eunuch lol
The only people harming LGBTQbbq people are themselves. Walking straight the path to eternal fire and torment. Repent and believe
Yes. Steps to hell are always paved with good intention.
You know, I'll be honest enough to say that almost two years ago when I found God, I had to really self-evaluate and accept the sins ive chosen to embrace
Lust was absolutely one of them, and i'm not gonna say i'm a saint at this point and it doesnt still tap me on the shoulder more than I'd like. Porn can be an addiction just like anything else that "makes us feel good" but...
At least even in my biggest levels of depravity I never mutilated my body and made myself an eunuch lol
They need a few doses of Ivermectin or FenBen. The brain parasites are spreading almost as fast as the scamdemic.