It's supposed to be a meteorite or something. According to the legend, Mohammad smashed all of the idols (because idols are bad) yet he kept the biggest idol of them all, the stupid silver pussy thing. That's what they pray to.
I've never been there. I'm pretty sure they don't allow non-Muslim tourists to get close to that thing. I do have a friend who lives in KSA. He says good things have begun in that country ever since Trump first visited there, but now they are dealing with libtards there. He became Christian after his devotion to Islam made him study it to the point where he realized that it's all a bunch of crap. Since then, he's been a smart person surrounded by morons. He would tell me that Saudi people know the world is round, but because Islam claims it's flat, they had to keep that silent. Nowadays though, there is more freedom since the king stripped the Religious Police of all power. They can no longer arrest, detain, torture, and disappear people anymore like they once did. Now he can smoke during the calls to prayer and just flip them off without fear, or eat food during they day during Ramadan in front of their stupid faces.
Islam is an insult to humanity. I see sometimes people on here defending Islam like it's somehow "based" because they don't put up with faggy crap. It's because they hate everyone, and they hate us. Brainwashed since birth to hate us. If you find a kind, caring Muslim, it's despite their religion, not thanks to it.
Oh, you talking about the ring around the box. Oh LOL. I understand.
It's supposed to be a meteorite or something. According to the legend, Mohammad smashed all of the idols (because idols are bad) yet he kept the biggest idol of them all, the stupid silver pussy thing. That's what they pray to.
This is the image I usually see. I didn't know there's a hole there. LOL.
Hey thanks. I have never been there before.
I've never been there. I'm pretty sure they don't allow non-Muslim tourists to get close to that thing. I do have a friend who lives in KSA. He says good things have begun in that country ever since Trump first visited there, but now they are dealing with libtards there. He became Christian after his devotion to Islam made him study it to the point where he realized that it's all a bunch of crap. Since then, he's been a smart person surrounded by morons. He would tell me that Saudi people know the world is round, but because Islam claims it's flat, they had to keep that silent. Nowadays though, there is more freedom since the king stripped the Religious Police of all power. They can no longer arrest, detain, torture, and disappear people anymore like they once did. Now he can smoke during the calls to prayer and just flip them off without fear, or eat food during they day during Ramadan in front of their stupid faces.
Islam is an insult to humanity. I see sometimes people on here defending Islam like it's somehow "based" because they don't put up with faggy crap. It's because they hate everyone, and they hate us. Brainwashed since birth to hate us. If you find a kind, caring Muslim, it's despite their religion, not thanks to it.
Thanks for the info. I do know some Muslims. They are not nice people (those that I have met in Portland).