yeah man he has two albums, Revolutionary Vol 1 and 2....and like, hearing them in my teens molded where i stand today which is here at GAW.
it's funny all his "anti gov" stuff made me think about how before trump we didnt have someone we could say hey i love AMERICA i just hate these people in charge that our poisoning their well. it was either u support insert candidate or you hate america
like, we love america thats why we dont want to see it destroyed.
But back then I didnt know this storm was coming, the sky was clear. I just knew shit was more than it seems so i started looking into stuff then i found him and it was gasoline on the fire.
that said, wanna hear someone else? hes the very first rapper i ever heard expose illuminati symbology and etc
21 min ago wow i just got lost in a moment lol my bad. anyway so...
it's kinda sad story about him because he was just some random country boy that started as making silly funny youtube videos, then that led to him making some rap songs, that led to him at the same time being on the charts for rock, country, and rap - all without a label or a sponsor or literally nothing but him and his fans n friends.
then yada yada well time rolled on and welllllllll his mom really did him dirty. There's several reasons why but ill just give you one - he *gave her a house, and behind his back she went into his bank account....took his money...and bought an even MORE expensive house.
after all that happened with her, it kinda fucked him up and he aint the same kid that was just having a blast that he used to be.
anyway, yeah my bad this took 20 minutes lol i like to listen to songs when i send them to people so just lmk you still ready
yeah man he has two albums, Revolutionary Vol 1 and 2....and like, hearing them in my teens molded where i stand today which is here at GAW.
it's funny all his "anti gov" stuff made me think about how before trump we didnt have someone we could say hey i love AMERICA i just hate these people in charge that our poisoning their well. it was either u support insert candidate or you hate america
like, we love america thats why we dont want to see it destroyed.
But back then I didnt know this storm was coming, the sky was clear. I just knew shit was more than it seems so i started looking into stuff then i found him and it was gasoline on the fire.
that said, wanna hear someone else? hes the very first rapper i ever heard expose illuminati symbology and etc
Yes. Bring some more. I can go check.
My was Alex Jones. People hated him. LOL
ayee since you mention alex, do you know who upchurch is?
No. don't know upchurch.
you must not still be here well heres a song he released as "ft alex jones" which made people go whaaat but its actually just a alex jones sample lol
i miss this upchurch tho. he stood for america, he enjoyed his life, and he was just an awesome dude. life has been trying really hard to break him.
21 min ago wow i just got lost in a moment lol my bad. anyway so...
it's kinda sad story about him because he was just some random country boy that started as making silly funny youtube videos, then that led to him making some rap songs, that led to him at the same time being on the charts for rock, country, and rap - all without a label or a sponsor or literally nothing but him and his fans n friends.
then yada yada well time rolled on and welllllllll his mom really did him dirty. There's several reasons why but ill just give you one - he *gave her a house, and behind his back she went into his bank account....took his money...and bought an even MORE expensive house.
after all that happened with her, it kinda fucked him up and he aint the same kid that was just having a blast that he used to be.
anyway, yeah my bad this took 20 minutes lol i like to listen to songs when i send them to people so just lmk you still ready