A lot of anons and journalists on X have been freaking out thinking this legislation will be abused to ban X or Rumble. Which I think is nonsense because the way its written and that Biden's time is short in office.
But, what if this is part if the Plan to take down Zuckerberg and Facebook? Trump has came out recently saying that FB is a greater threat than TikTok. What if it could be proven that FB was working with the CCP to spy on Americans?
Let's check the leetest Q drop, u/#q1337
Building 8? u/#q1135
No coincidences here, https://time.com/4294095/facebook-research-lab-building-8-darpa-regina-dugan/
Now this is purely speculation, but what if FB was forced to sell to a combined group of people like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk? Thiel makes sense because he was the first outside investor of FB and is considered a co-founder.
Things are not always what they seem. Thoughts?
IMPO, the US Intelligence Community has been spying on ALL Americans and people around the world for a very long time now.
Every smartphone, app, smart home device, public utility provider, vehicle, traffic camera, search engine, ISP, mobile carrier, health care record, ALL OF IT, is uploaded to the NSA's massive data farm. Every human has an ID and every single thing is tracked.
The IC uses this information to bet on markets and make billions, after all, they can eavesdrop on CEOs and know what will happen to companies well in advance.
The IC also uses all of this information to blackmail and control nearly everyone in a position of power or control, from business leaders, to politicians, judges, school leaders, church leaders, anyone with influence.
This is how they control and operate the world.
Tik Tok is a smokescreen. The Truth is far worse than anyone can imagine.
This is all my personal opinion, no sauce.