All valid points. ShadowOfEzra has been posting lots of fake stuff. Just thought the deep baritone voice made the shitpost flair on this one kinda obvious...
All good! Your comment though about this video may actually help Bert (instead of Brigitte?) because some people may think it's real has some validity. Didn't think of that.
Unfortunately many videos published by ShadowOfEzra are fake, despite many of them being easy to verify before posting.
That account doesn’t seem to care. Click bait seems to be more important that the facts and discernment.
This video is a good example.
This is not “her” voice. You can compare with the video below.
I’m not saying “she” is a woman. Can be a man too. But the voice on the video in this post isn’t the voice of the person you’re looking at.
Paradoxically the video in Ezra’s post helps the Brigitte because if people see a real fake they usually tend to disbelieve the “conspiracy theory”.
All valid points. ShadowOfEzra has been posting lots of fake stuff. Just thought the deep baritone voice made the shitpost flair on this one kinda obvious...
Honestly: I haven’t noticed the “Shitpost” :-|
All good! Your comment though about this video may actually help Bert (instead of Brigitte?) because some people may think it's real has some validity. Didn't think of that.