OP's commentary in the comments below
01/09/2024 09:00 AM EST
Catherine Kim is an assistant editor at POLITICO Magazine.
A day before the so-called Epstein list was supposed to drop, far-right conspiracy theorists buzzed with excitement over the expectation that it would crucify prominent figures on the left for their involvement in sex trafficking. It’s a wildly popular notion in that world, where Pizzagate and QAnon fantasies run rampant.
The truth, of course, was far different: The material made public in federal court last week, with more now being released, wasn’t some kind of Jeffrey Epstein client list, as had been speculated online. It was actually documents from a court case filed by one of Epstein’s victims that did include people’s names, but provided little new information on whether they knew of or participated in Epstein’s heinous crimes.
To get a sense of why conspiracy theories centered on sex trafficking and pedophilia — and now the “Epstein list” — are so buzzy in MAGA circles, POLITICO Magazine called up Mike Rothschild, author of The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything and Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories. Rothschild pointed to a toxic stew of age-old antisemitism; the worst incentives of today’s social media; and the right’s unending obsession with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump pops up in the documents, including some released on Monday, but that’s typically not a problem for his hard-core supporters. As with most conspiracy theories, adherents create their own reality.
“There’s nothing Trump can do that will lose these people’s loyalty,” Rothschild said. “Anything that is inconvenient, that alters their worldview, they’ll just ignore it, or they’ll make up some bizarre justification for it.”
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
What are the conspiracy theories surrounding the so-called Epstein list?
The conspiracy theories are that this new release of documents is going to finally be the thing that brings down the elite trafficking cabal that’s been running the world for 6,000 years. There’s this perception that there’s been information that’s been held back by the courts or by politicians or the media, this is finally going to put everything out in the open.
And because I’ve studied these movements for so long, I know that these movements really revolve around this idea that there will be a document or a memo or a list or a recording. And that will finally be the thing that finally ends the evil grip of the New World Order, and it never does. They always move on to the next one.
A common misconception is that the list documented Epstein’s clients who partook in sexual acts with minors, but that’s not the case, right? It’s not the case at all. It’s a dump of documents related to the case. It’s not the smoking gun that’s going to finally bring down all of these powerful ones. A lot of the information and many of the names that are being revealed in these documents have already been known. Some of them were redacted.
But so far, I don’t really think there’s much of anything that we’ve learned that really changes our perception of what Epstein did and kind of who in his orbit knew what, because we know a lot of that already. We know it because of tenacious reporting, and the courage of the accusers who have faced him.
Then why was there so much excitement for the list within MAGA circles online — especially when the list itself wasn’t even documentation of Epstein’s clients?
I think it really ties back to this industry of conspiracy theories about the Clintons. I think they really feel like this will be the thing that brings down Bill and Hillary Clinton. They’re still obsessed with the Clintons. And so anything that can serve as the final nail in their coffin, they’re going to rally around, even if, of course, Trump and a lot of the people around Trump are also implicated in all of these documents. They don’t care about that at all. It’s about the Clintons and the rest of the liberal establishment.
What is it about the Clintons that captivates far-right conspiracy theorists like this?
Part of it is that it’s already been three decades of this: The Clinton conspiracy industry started in the early 90s. It started with stuff like Whitewater, Travelgate, stuff that is ancient history now. But there was a really well-funded, very organized and popular effort to bring the Clintons down. And then of course, it resulted in the impeachment, it resulted in the dump truck full of conspiracies about Hillary Clinton when she ran for president. And even though they’re not really in the public eye much anymore, it’s so prolific that conspiracy theorists have stuck with them because they know what works. They’re just like a classic rock band playing the hits.
You wrote a book on QAnon. Based on your research, why are conservatives so obsessed with the theory that prominent left-wing figures like the Clintons are running pedophile rings? Where does that conspiracy theory originate from?
There’s always been a certain amount of salaciousness in these conspiracy theories, and there are theories going back about the awful sexual depravity of the Catholics or later on of the Jews. So you’re always going to find a certain amount of attention paid to any kind of conspiracy theory involving sexual proclivity of trafficking. And if it involves children, people immediately just lose their mind — even if these children don’t exist. There are no children who have been trafficked because of Pizzagate because Pizzgate isn’t real.
But if you just put out the suggestion there, it grabs ahold in a way that is difficult to dislodge. I think a lot of it has to do with antisemitism. I think a lot of it has to do with fear of the occult and Satanic panic. So you get all of these things that are mixed together: the anti-Jewish sentiment, the fear of Satanism. And, of course, now it extends to social media. So you have these powerful figures, in media, in politics, in culture, academia. It’s very easy to kind of put these people together as part of this vast conspiracy. And if there’s a conspiracy of them, well, they’re probably doing horrible things to children, too, because that’s what evil people do.
You’ve mentioned that all these conspiracy theories are connected. How does the Epstein saga fit into the broader ecosystem of far-right conspiracy theories, including QAnon and Pizzagate? Particularly when Epstein was never even a figure on the left?
The QAnon and Pizzagate people — they really have embraced Epstein as the most obvious example of these sort of high-level traffickings. Of course, with Epstein, a lot of it was true. He was doing these things, he was connected to this absolutely abhorrent behavior.
But part of what happens is we lose the ability to discern noise from signal. So you’re tarring as a pedophile anybody who had any kind of association with Epstein. And of course, most of the people who were associated with Epstein had nothing to do with what he was doing. Some of them may have known about it, some of them may have looked the other way. And they certainly have a lot of hard questions to answer about their associations with Epstein and what they knew. But just because a person had a meeting with Jeffrey Epstein doesn’t make them part of sex trafficking rings. But it’s very easy to point at all of these people and say, “They’re all working together. They’re all hiding the same things. They’re all doing the same horrible things. And we’re the only people who will talk about it.”
Do you think if the Clintons weren’t involved, the “Epstein list” wouldn’t have blown up like this?
I really don’t think it would’ve. I don’t think it would have gotten quite the attention. I think there would have been some attention; you do have people in that world who are really obsessed with the idea of trafficking and Pizzagate and all that other stuff, but I think the Clinton connection is really what vaulted it into the stratosphere.
How did these people use the “Epstein list” as ammunition for their conspiracy theories, and how does the role of the internet factor into all this?
Internet is a huge part of it, and social media in particular. It spreads incredibly quickly, because it sounds believable and if you share it with some documents, it doesn’t matter if they’re real or not. The people who are passing this stuff around don’t care.
It’s very easy to spread these things around and very easy to ignore the parts of it that you don’t find to be palatable to your worldview, such as Donald Trump’s connections to it, and you play up the connections of people like Bill Clinton.
Do you see that misinformation about Epstein has been spreading more than other conspiracy theories?
I think it’s definitely spreading more. I think part of it is the fact that Twitter (now called X) has been so completely eviscerated as a source of truth. As soon as the documents came out, I started seeing fakes. And they were getting passed around by verified accounts with a million followers, who are making tons of ad money, because Elon Musk has completely eviscerated verification on Twitter. They have every incentive to pass fake documents along and if somebody says, “Oh, that’s not real,” who cares?
Disinformation and conspiracy theories spread so quickly and so readily on social media, while the rest of us are doing our research and writing our articles and doing our interviews, trying to figure out what this actually means. The people who believe this stuff have already decided what it means. And they don’t want to be told differently.
Twitter and people like Alex Jones and people like Steve Bannon, they have an alternative media ecosystem. These are not fringe people anymore. This is not the guy standing outside the football stadium waving a sign about the end is coming. This is a massive industry. You’ve got billions of dollars being pumped into misinformation, into these products, into these podcasts, into these books. It’s a job for a lot of these people, and they’re very good at it. They spread this stuff very quickly. They know it doesn’t matter whether it’s real or not, their audience doesn’t care.
Trump’s appearance in the documents unsettled some conservatives, like Alex Jones. Others like Jack Posobiec rushed to Trump’s defense by posting screenshots from the released court documents, claiming that Trump was exonerated. How does Trump’s presence here complicate the worldview of MAGA conspiracy theorists, especially those who thought Trump would save the nation from pedophiles?
It doesn’t complicate it at all. They just sweep it away. There’s nothing Trump can do that will lose these people’s loyalty. Whatever his involvement is, they just pretend it’s not there. Or they say, “Well, he was only there because he was getting information on Epstein to give to the FBI.” I saw tons of that early on in QAnon. The idea that there’s some sort of undercover sting operation. I’m like, really? I don’t think Donald Trump could stay quiet about that for five seconds. But you believe it, you talk yourself into it. So it’s a lot like a lot of Trump’s other associations, and I write about this in my book on the Rothschilds. The Trump Taj Mahal was actually saved from bankruptcy by Rothschild Inc. Their bankruptcy guy was Wilbur Ross, who helped structure the deal that got the Taj Mahal out of bankruptcy. And, of course, Wilbur Ross later became Trump’s commerce secretary. You’ve never heard a peep about it from Trump believers, they just sweep it away. Anything that is inconvenient, that alters their worldview, they’ll just ignore it, or they’ll make up some bizarre justification for it.
With Epstein, we know how bad he was. And there may be some people who have a difficult time because they wind up in one of these documents. But ultimately, it’s not going to change that Epstein was a horrible person, and that it was people who were connected to Trump who helped him get out of prison the first time, that it was the incompetence of the jail that allowed him to take his own life. That is not going to change. There’s not going to be a document that completely alters our understanding of what happened.
What does it take to change the minds of conspiracy theorists, especially when it seems they’ll jump through all sorts of hoops in order to distort their reality for the sake of their own beliefs?
Most people will not change their mind. Most people will double down, they will show absolutely no interest in being wrong. For a lot of these people, that’s the worst thing that can happen. They have to go back to their friends and family and say, “You were right, I was wrong, and I’m an idiot.”
Sometimes it does happen. You will find people who have gotten out of movements like QAnon or have broken away from the hardcore Trump worship because they’ll read something or they’ll hear something that they just can’t reconcile with how they see the world. And once you find one thing that doesn’t work for you and these movements, you start to find more of them. I liken it to a tapestry where if you pull on one thread, the whole thing immediately unravels. But you have to want to pull on that thread, you have to prepare yourself for the possibility of it all, and you being left with a view that is completely collapsed. For a lot of people, that’s just too difficult. They just can’t handle it. So they just burrow into it more, and the more things go wrong, and the more predictions fail, and the more things don’t come true, the more they believe because they just have nowhere else to go.
Look, nobody here really cares ABOUT Bill and Hillary Clinton.
People here care ABOUT their country, and their government,
And the people here simply DO NOT want Bill or Hillary Clinton to have anything to do with their government, or have any influence over their their lives, whatsoever.
There's already 100,000,000+ OTHER Americans that could be POTUS, but we have already made up our minds on The Clinton's. We don't want them. Hard Pass. No Thanks. Move Along Please, No Loitering...
We aren't "obsessed" with the Clinton's. We actually wish they would go away quietly, and stop trying to interject themselves into OUR government, and OUR lives.
"Some men just have a problem voting for a woman who is seeking power"
~ Hillary Clinton, explaining why she lost the 2016 election.
Notice how Hillary tries to frame the issue as "men vs women", and the "glass ceiling"
instead of "humble freedom lovers" vs "egotistical power seekers"
Hillary Clinton was always "seeking power", and yet the general public didn't even understand this concept until Hillary herself brought it up. What Hillary doesn't seem to understand is that not everyone is "seeking power", and that for most people, "seeking power" never even crossed their minds, so its not a phrase, or a concept that would be familiar to them...
Most people just want to be left alone.
There are the reluctant jurors. The ordinary people who are summoned to do jury duty. They aren't usually very happy to have to serve on jury duty, but they do it anyway, out of a sense of civic responsibility, and civil service. And then they go home and mind their own business...
And then there are the Hillary Clinton's of the world, who are "seeking power" and seem just a little too eager to "serve" in government, especially in high positions, probably because they are actually serving themselves, instead of serving the people.
So there you have it.
We don't want "power seekers" gleefully ruling over us.
We want the reluctant civil servants, who only step up when called upon.
Actually, this is a BIG PROBLEM, for me at least, and probably a lot of people who read this...
I know that for me, as a Trump supporter, in the time leading up to the 2016 election, i learned from the mainstream media that Trump was named in a rape lawsuit.
This was very concerning to me, as a voter, and a US citizen, and so i started to look into this "rape lawsuit" story, because i didn't want a President that was going to be very distracted by rape lawsuits, when he should be preparing to run MY country....
I didn't want another John Edwards (who ran for POTUS, while his girlfriend was pregnant with his love child)
And so it was in the course of doing my own due diligence, and looking into the Trump rape lawsuit, that i first heard the name Jeffrey Epstein, because Epstein was named as a co-defendant in the lawsuit.
you can read the lawsuit here:
page 1 https://i.redd.it/yjt9xyx9nk701.jpg
page 2 https://i.redd.it/vn4fbijvnk701.jpg
~ Mike Rothschild
"Accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing!
~ Rules For Radicals (Saul Alinsky, Hillary's Mentor)
“There’s nothing Trump can do that will lose these people’s loyalty,” Rothschild said. “Anything that is inconvenient, that alters their worldview, they’ll just ignore it, or they’ll make up some bizarre justification for it.”
Just to be clear here, it was ONLY BECAUSE this particular Q anon MAGA't was digging into the Trump rape lawsuit, that the name Jeffrey Epstein ever became known to me.
I started digging into who this Jeffrey Epstein guy was, only because he was named as co-defendant in the Trump rape lawsuit.
So here (again), Mike Rothschild is just talking absolute, demonstrable non-sense, pretending like we don't care about what Trump does, when in fact it was only because we care so much, that we ever looked into Trump-Epstein connections...
There were a few old articles online about Jeffrey Epstein, because of his previous conviction of sex crimes in Florida.
At the time of Jeffrey Epstein's original sex crimes conviction, this story was NOT "national news" or "world news". It was covered by the media, but very lightly, and they just did a hit-and-run coverage, and didn't linger on the case day-after-day for weeks and months, like they do with some other stories.
So it was only because we were able to dig up these old news articles about Jeffrey Epstein, and combine then with current events, that we were able to put together a "conspiracy theory" about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell,
And their sex trafficking to VIP's,
and their Mossad honeypot brownstone operations, to entice and entrap VIP's with sex, to compromise them, with "compromising materials" (KomproMat in Russian) and then blackmail these VIPs into doing whatever they want done.
Typically, these compromised VIPs start at lower levels, where they are tested and observed for obedience, before they are ever moved into higher-and-higher positions, in government, in the military, in big business.
This is WHY we all know that Washington DC is just crawling with pedophiles, because of the nature of sex taboos, it is the pedophiles who are the most vulnerable to being compromised, thru honeypots, and brownstone operations.
This is why former speaker of the US House of Representatives, is a convicted pedophile,
and also why 90% of the people reading this comment, were somehow UNAWARE that Dennis Hastert is a convicted serial child molester.
Example: why would the SCOTUS willingly go along with the Boston Marathon Bombing - Tsarnaev hoax, unless they were compromised?
This is a death penalty case, which has a profound effect on all citizens, and yet its a fake case, with a fake narrative.
This is also what happened with Roe vs Wade. It was a FAKE CASE, presented to a COMPROMISED SCOTUS, who circumvented all legislative and executive prerogatives, to create a new "right for women" to abort their un-born babies.
And 63,000,000 unborn babies have been killed since RvW,
And the media goes along with it.
This is a Genocide of Americans.
And Catherine Kim and Mike Rothschild go along with it...
They call it a conspiracy theory, to their normie fans and stans.
What are the conspiracy theories surrounding the so-called Epstein list? The conspiracy theories are that this new release of documents is going to finally be the thing that brings down the elite trafficking cabal that’s been running the world for 6,000 years. There’s this perception that there’s been information that’s been held back by the courts or by politicians or the media, this is finally going to put everything out in the open.
Yes, but what is far more important than the names of random individuals who have been compromised by Mossad brownstone operations,
Is exposing exactly how these Mossad brownstone operations work, and how Israel is able to control the US government,
both Democrats AND Republicans,
The Uniparty of compromised pedophiles....
and ALL hardworking, decent Americans,
Many of who are devout Christians!
And we are SICK and TIRED of being controlled by The Rothschild's USURY schemes!
And because I’ve studied these movements for so long, I know that these movements really revolve around this idea that there will be a document or a memo or a list or a recording. And that will finally be the thing that finally ends the evil grip of the New World Order, and it never does. They always move on to the next one.
When WE study movements, then WE are the "conspiracy theorists"
When MIKE studies movements, then HE is an "EXPERT"
But for being a so-called "expert" Mike is suspiciously ignorant as to the most relevant of basic facts, and plot lines, and other details
A common misconception is that the list documented Epstein’s clients who partook in sexual acts with minors, but that’s not the case, right? It’s not the case at all. It’s a dump of documents related to the case. It’s not the smoking gun that’s going to finally bring down all of these powerful ones. A lot of the information and many of the names that are being revealed in these documents have already been known. Some of them were redacted.
Again, here we have Mike being suspiciously gleeful that the Epstein client list maybe doesn't even exist, and even if there are some names out there, they are "old news" by now... so... its nothing that is ever going to spark a revolution now...
Again, we know the playbook.
We don't care if Dennis Hastert is a Republican or a Democrat, we just want him OUT of out government, and OUT of the control over our lives!
Gee, i wonder why?
Could be that it exposes CIA-Mossad "sources and methods" ?
But so far, I don’t really think there’s much of anything that we’ve learned that really changes our perception of what Epstein did and kind of who in his orbit knew what, because we know a lot of that already. We know it because of tenacious reporting, and the courage of the accusers who have faced him.
So (again) here we have Mike and Catherine repeatedly acknowledging that Jeffrey Epstein was rightfully convicted of sex crimes with children, and pretending to attack the very-bad-boy Epstein (wink-wink) , and pretending to be supportive of the sex trafficking victims...
At the same time as they are trying to act like PIZZAGATE and PEDOPHILIA is just some baseless "fantasy" that Q anons and MAGA-tards believe in.
Jeffrey Epstein "IS" PIZZAGATE
Ghislaine Maxwell "IS" PIZZAGATE
Israeli-Mossad-CIA honeypot and brownstone operations "IS" PIZZAGATE.
Laura Silsby Gayler "IS" PIZZAGATE.
Alert Sense and Amber Alert "IS" PIZZAGATE
What is "NOT-PIZZAGATE" is "Muh Comet Ping Pong's Non-Existent Basement"
So at any time, Catherine or Mike could have brought up Dennis Hastert, yet they chose not to, even though Hastert was a REPUBLICAN.
Raise your hand if you still support Dennis Hastert...
This isn't a partisan issue.
We don't want ANY compromised pedophiles in OUR government, or having ANY control over OUR lives.
Why do you think foreign aid to Israel is never controversial in Congress, and is always passed by wide bi-partisan, "Uniparty" support/
Because they are ALL compromised pedophiles.
Democrats AND Republicans.
DINO's and RINO's
PIZZAGATE is all about exposing how it is that Israel goes about compromising US politicians and blackmailing them ALL into going along with everything from Pearl Harbor to WW2, from 9/11 to the Iraq war, from to Ukraine to Gaza, from North Korea, to China,
And i suspect "the expert" Mike Rothschild conveniently leaves out a lot of pertinent details, and his mission seems to be to cover-up the real narratives, with his own fake narratives.
Ok, this question alone shows something weird, which is, why would Mike and/or Catherine have any idea what "MAGA" circles are talking about?
i mean, in the long run, who really cares if Comet Ping Pong has a basement or not?
Because its actually an irrelevant detail, in a much larger story.
Its like, they are obsessed with reading what WE have to say, but they aren't doing it because they are creepy stalkers or anything like that... they are merely some dispassionate "experts" who are just trying to save the world from accidentally believing that Comet Ping Pong has a basement that James Alefantis is trafficking sex slaves out of...
Because, you know, some crazy Q anon MAGA crisis actor might show up at Comet Ping Pong with a gun and do a fake shooting...
"I think it really ties back to this industry of conspiracy theories about the Clintons".
Yeah Mike, we really believe you!
We totally don't even notice how you are trying to frame the debate, and misdirect the publics attention AWAY from Israel, and TOWARD an individual...
I think they really feel like this will be the thing that brings down Bill and Hillary Clinton. They’re still obsessed with the Clintons.
We aren't "obsessed" with the Clintons. We merely want them OUT of our government, and OUT of our lives, because they really have shown that they have no sincere interest in SERVING the people, and are actually more interested in SEEKING POWER.
That is a irreconcilable character flaw that THE CLINTONS have,
Q anons and MAGA'ts are NOT the bad guys in this story, simply for NOT wanting these specific individuals in OUR government.
i don't think its unreasonable for DEMOCRATS to NOT WANT Dennis Hastert in government!
And so anything that can serve as the final nail in their coffin, they’re going to rally around, even if, of course, Trump and a lot of the people around Trump are also implicated in all of these documents. They don’t care about that at all. It’s about the Clintons and the rest of the liberal establishment.
This comment hear is very revealing... it shows how Mike thinks...
You see, Mike is WELL AWARE of how the whole Trump-Epstein Rape Lawsuit was set-up,
AND Mike "just can't believe" that Q anons and/or MAGA's would actually THROW TRUMP UNDER THE BUS, JUST TO EXPOSE EPSTEIN, PIZZAGATE, and ultimately, ISRAEL...
In Mikes mind, all of us are just a bunch of cult victims, believing whatever Trump says,
And yet, he can't really reconcile the conflicting reality of what Q anons and MAGA are actually doing, which is exposing Epstein, at the great cost of exposing Trump in the process.
In other words, Mike was probably in on the ground floor with the Trump-Epstein rape lawsuit, and they plotted, and calculated, and figured...
That they could tie Trump to Epstein leading up to the 2016 election, and then when Hilary Clinton won the election, they would quietly drop the lawsuit, and anyone who ever looked into it would just find out that Jeffrey Epstein was a convicted sex offended, and they would presume and assume that Trump is guilty by association.
Just like Melina Gates "assumed" Bill was guilty by his association to Epstein.
But not only did she lose the election, but Q anons and MAGA stayed with the Epstein-Maxwell story, in spite of any damage that might be inflicted on Trumps reputation...
The Rothschilds never thought of that...
They never thought that we would ever expose Epstein, because we would be far too concerned with protecting Trump.
The Rothschild's don't seem to understand that some people know right from wrong, they know good and evil,
And they will not support any compromised pedophile being placed into our government, and given control over our lives, regardless of what political party they belong to.
This isn't about right-vs-left.
This is about right-vs-wrong.
What is it about the Clintons that captivates far-right conspiracy theorists like this? Part of it is that it’s already been three decades of this: The Clinton conspiracy industry started in the early 90s. It started with stuff like Whitewater, Travelgate, stuff that is ancient history now. But there was a really well-funded, very organized and popular effort to bring the Clintons down. And then of course, it resulted in the impeachment, it resulted in the dump truck full of conspiracies about Hillary Clinton when she ran for president. And even though they’re not really in the public eye much anymore, it’s so prolific that conspiracy theorists have stuck with them because they know what works. They’re just like a classic rock band playing the hits.
So, while we are out scrounging around, looking for why our boy Trump is affiliating himself with the likes of Epstein...
Mike is out here dismissing lots of legitimate criticisms of Hillary Clinton, who was a very public figure, and very high ranking in our government,
Monica Lewinsky was a set-up.
Monica Lewinsky was sent into Bill Clinton's sphere with the sole mission of compromising Bill Clinton, and collecting "compromising materials" such as semen stained clothes (with Bill Clinton's DNA, irrefutable proof) which Israel would then use to continue to blackmail and control the POTUS.
I suspect Bill Clinton might have gone against his handlers orders, and was then subject to a very public shaming,
Kinda like what they did to Dennis Hastert...
You go along with what they want, or you have your crimes exposed, and you get sent to prison...
OK, here is another good example of the authors trying way too hard to shape the narrative, to the point where they just start drawing attention to their own transparent antics.
So, Mike Rothschild is an "expert" because he "wrote a book" on QAnon,
But all of the rest of us? ... WE are mere "conspiracy theorists" who are spending way too much time wondering why Trump was Epstein's co-defendant in a rape lawsuit...
"obsessed"... "theory".... "clintons"... "conspiracy theory"...
See, the author is (again) trying to disingenuously frame the debate, in a way that seems absurd to the ill-informed normie...
The Clinton's aren't RUNNING a pedophile ring,
The Clinton's are THE VICTIMS of a pedophile ring!
Quote That One, Mike!
HOW are the Clintons victims of a pedophile ring?
Well, the pedophile ring is actually run by Israel, and other international Jews...
And they use child sex trafficking to identify, entice, entrap, ensnare random pedophiles, who are then fully compromised, and then moved into higher and higher positions of power within government, military, and business, where they will continue to act as puppets of the Israel-Mossad regime indefinitely.
and thats why the money from USA to Israel never slows down.
There’s always been a certain amount of salaciousness in these conspiracy theories, and there are theories going back about the awful sexual depravity of the Catholics or later on of the Jews. So you’re always going to find a certain amount of attention paid to any kind of conspiracy theory involving sexual proclivity of trafficking. And if it involves children, people immediately just lose their mind — even if these children don’t exist.
so, the children that Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking, didn't actually exist?
actually, i think Mike is being a bit clever with his words here,
because there is actually a sex trafficking victim that might not exist...
Its the alleged victim, in the Trump-Epstein rape lawsuit.
i was never able to independently verify that this person ever existed,
and i do believe that any defendant should be able to confront his accusers,
but in the case of the Trump-Epstein rape lawsuit, all the Mike Rothschild's and Catherine Kim's of the world have to do, is fabricate a bunch of fine details about an alleged rape, file them with a court, to create an official court document, and then publicize the scandalous details of this court document, to ruin the reputation of Trump, in the midst of a presidential campaign.
Then drop the Trump-Epstein lawsuit just after the 2016 election, when Hillary was supposed to win, and Trump was supposed to lose and go away,
And that way, this alleged victim of Trump and Epstein never has to show up in court, and face the scrutiny of a good lawyer.
"There are no children who have been trafficked because of Pizzagate because Pizzgate isn’t real.
Really? so Laura Silsby Gayler didn't actually get caught trying to kidnap and traffic children out of Haiti, under the guise of being a Christian mission?
So then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn't take an unusual interest in making sure Laura was NOT convicted of her human trafficking crimes?
And if you want to go further back in time, we have Johnny Gosch, the kidnapped paperboy, who was known to have been forced into child prostitution, although I'm sure wikipedia will spin it into "just another run-away kid".
Oh yes Mike, THAT must be the answer!
People are wondering why Laura Silsby Gayler was trafficking children out of Haiti, and why Laura Silsby Gayler later went on to work for "Alert Sense", which is the company behind the technology that drives "Amber Alerts"
not because it makes sense to be suspicious of such developments,
BUT because Q anons and MAGA ... hates jews?
By the way, based on my own personal experience, it seems "Amber Alerts" are designed more to slow down a missing child alert, rather than to speed it up.
Also, NCMEC is a child porn /sex trafficking operation, operating under the guise of fighting child porn and sex trafficking.
I think a lot of it has to do with fear of the occult and Satanic panic. So you get all of these things that are mixed together: the anti-Jewish sentiment, the fear of Satanism. And, of course, now it extends to social media. So you have these powerful figures, in media, in politics, in culture, academia. It’s very easy to kind of put these people together as part of this vast conspiracy. And if there’s a conspiracy of them, well, they’re probably doing horrible things to children, too, because that’s what evil people do.
63,000,000 abortions in America, since the FAKE CASE of Roe v Wade was ram-rodded thru the apparently-complicit court system.
and WHO is behind this?
You’ve mentioned that all these conspiracy theories are connected. How does the Epstein saga fit into the broader ecosystem of far-right conspiracy theories, including QAnon and Pizzagate? Particularly when Epstein was never even a figure on the left?
You pathetic propagandists tried to smear Trump by affiliating him with Epstein, in the context of a FAKE RAPE LAWSUIT, and you got caught!
They are correct, Epstein was never a figure on the left, so why was he targeted?
He was targeted by Q anons and MAGA's because he was the co-defendant in the Trump rape lawsuit!
The lawsuit that we Q anons and MAGA's are all too eager to talk about,
The lawsuit that Kim and Roth won't touch, because they might accidentally expose themselves, and Israeli brownstone operations, even further.
The QAnon and Pizzagate people — they really have embraced Epstein as the most obvious example of these sort of high-level traffickings. Of course, with Epstein, a lot of it was true. He was doing these things, he was connected to this absolutely abhorrent behavior.
Yeah, thats why Mossad extricated their asset out of a US jail, and put him in a protection program, and continue to support and protect Epstein, instead of convicting Epstein for his many crimes.
But part of what happens is we lose the ability to discern noise from signal. So you’re tarring as a pedophile anybody who had any kind of association with Epstein. And of course, most of the people who were associated with Epstein had nothing to do with what he was doing. Some of them may have known about it, some of them may have looked the other way. And they certainly have a lot of hard questions to answer about their associations with Epstein and what they knew. But just because a person had a meeting with Jeffrey Epstein doesn’t make them part of sex trafficking rings. But it’s very easy to point at all of these people and say, “They’re all working together. They’re all hiding the same things. They’re all doing the same horrible things. And we’re the only people who will talk about it.”
well Mike, by your fruits, we shall know you...