IMO, an amazing patriot who has been willing to even see his name become dirt, and despised by the MAGA public in order to ensure the survival of the country he loves.
(If you listen to Pence's election spiel, he was saying (promoting) everything that DJT has been saying.)
Here's the thing.
We first learned about Kayfabe via the WWF Wrestling. Hulk Hogan. Theatricals. You have a villain, and a hero. But its all show. Drama.
Trump has shown us that this is exactly what the Establishment Deep State has been doing all these years.
For the democrat voters, the Right is the Villain and the Left the Hero. For the republican base, the Left is the Villain and the Right the Hero. BUT we know very clearly now, - Trump and Q etc have exposed completely - the reality: Politicians in both parties have been corrupt and part of a hidden Uniparty. It's all been kabuki theater, to keep Americans hating their respective villains and loving their respective heroes, when in fact BOTH sides have been the real villains.
Trump has show this. And, because Trump KNOWS this secret weapon they have been using, he started using it against them. So much of what Trump does is for show, for narrative deployment, enticing the DS in again and again where he traps them, sets them up for failure.
It's understandable that normies don't cotton on to this very much, but anons should be far ahead of the game, and look deeper than their emotional biases.
Its a shame that more don't. They are still caught up in the emotional matrix the DS has created, even if they think but supporting DJT and knowing something about Q, they are completely out of it.
In order to get as many as possible you need to keep them trying, giving them hope keeps the opponent playing...even with ZERO hope. NCSWIC
Mike giving false hope.
He's part of the kabuki theatre.
IMO, an amazing patriot who has been willing to even see his name become dirt, and despised by the MAGA public in order to ensure the survival of the country he loves.
(If you listen to Pence's election spiel, he was saying (promoting) everything that DJT has been saying.)
Here's the thing.
We first learned about Kayfabe via the WWF Wrestling. Hulk Hogan. Theatricals. You have a villain, and a hero. But its all show. Drama.
Trump has shown us that this is exactly what the Establishment Deep State has been doing all these years.
For the democrat voters, the Right is the Villain and the Left the Hero. For the republican base, the Left is the Villain and the Right the Hero. BUT we know very clearly now, - Trump and Q etc have exposed completely - the reality: Politicians in both parties have been corrupt and part of a hidden Uniparty. It's all been kabuki theater, to keep Americans hating their respective villains and loving their respective heroes, when in fact BOTH sides have been the real villains.
Trump has show this. And, because Trump KNOWS this secret weapon they have been using, he started using it against them. So much of what Trump does is for show, for narrative deployment, enticing the DS in again and again where he traps them, sets them up for failure.
It's understandable that normies don't cotton on to this very much, but anons should be far ahead of the game, and look deeper than their emotional biases.
Its a shame that more don't. They are still caught up in the emotional matrix the DS has created, even if they think but supporting DJT and knowing something about Q, they are completely out of it.
We shall see soon enough. Sacrifices of many kinds in every war.