That's quite a statement. For me it's my brother, and sister who I begged to just wait, just wait a little longer. My brother disregard me and said his doctor knows best. My sister listed for a year, but then was convinced at her yearly physical to get vaxxed. She gave in and let the doctor give her the kill shot. She's alive but cannot work more than 4 hours a day. She gets horrible pain in her legs and hips. Now she has strangers living in her house to make up for her job loss. She can't keep a job, just can't work an 8 hour shift. She has secluded herself and no longer talks to me. I understand a little but wish I could have convinced them to wait until it was safe. It was never safe and will haunt the survivors for years generations will die from this. And healthy unvaxxed will find out their spouse lied and vaxxed themselves. The offspring will carry the spike proteins into every new generation. For the ones who survive if any??? I hope you find solace.
That's quite a statement. For me it's my brother, and sister who I begged to just wait, just wait a little longer. My brother disregard me and said his doctor knows best. My sister listed for a year, but then was convinced at her yearly physical to get vaxxed. She gave in and let the doctor give her the kill shot. She's alive but cannot work more than 4 hours a day. She gets horrible pain in her legs and hips. Now she has strangers living in her house to make up for her job loss. She can't keep a job, just can't work an 8 hour shift. She has secluded herself and no longer talks to me. I understand a little but wish I could have convinced them to wait until it was safe. It was never safe and will haunt the survivors for years generations will die from this. And healthy unvaxxed will find out their spouse lied and vaxxed themselves. The offspring will carry the spike proteins into every new generation. For the ones who survive if any??? I hope you find solace.