She had some fairly significant side effects from the vaccine and chose not to have another. I’m just worried now that all the treatments are based on how our immune systems used to work pre vaccine. They caught it very early it’s only in one duct but has spread 2mm beyond the duct. I just don’t know what to expect. She is downplaying it but she is already very thin, has zero fat and I’m worried an extended treatment will be very hard on her already thin body.
Comments (18)
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Is she open to taking some Ivermectin and some vitamins etc.?
Also, I lost my mum to BC. My only advice is to try and fix this by yourselves, as doctors are no longer to be trusted, sorry. Just a reminder, that cancer is curable with some positive thinking, and most 'cancers' are just another way of saying we don't know what this is LOL, but they will try and make out that this condition is THE END, It is not. So many surgeons just want to start cutting too. I can hear the REEEeeeEEE from here, but TBH I have come to this conclusion through observation of perfectly healthy women being told they have BC and submitting to the 'treatment', and then dying within a couple of years.
Case in point is my partner who developed a weird growth on the face. Much stress. Oh no! Is it Skin Cancer?? After two years of weird bleeding and scab delamination, the decision was made to just leave it alone, and stop stressing about it. At that point the spot suddenly healed, with daily, visible improvement. (Also we used the treatments above, as well). a big factor was 10 000 IU of Vitamin D most days.
So, try and help by soothing the panic. Make some lifestyle changes, give up eating sugar and junk. Panic only makes things worse.
Also sending a prayer for your MIL.
They are open to homeopathic treatment but I’m not sure about ivermectin. They will get treatment from the University of Michigan hospital and they feel this will be excellent treatment.
OK, so be it. They have made a decision, and it is THEIR decision. In that case, you cannot change their mind.
One must resign oneself in such cases, as I did with my mum.
Yes of course we accept their decision.just now with the diagnosis we are questioning what the doctors tell us.
Just as an aside: Ivermectin is considered safer than aspirin.
Fenbenzidol is also good for some cancers.
Try to get her to cut out sugars and carbs. When the body is in nutritional ketosis the cancer has no food (sugar), so growth stops and the tumor will eventually shrink. Get her on some Vitamin D3 and Fish Oils supps ASAP. Encourage exercise, something simple like a 30 minute walk each day is a good place to start!
Great response! I would add water fasting. There are cases when people with stage 4 cancer put their cancer back into remission with what you stated and water fasting. I forget the doctor's name that has helped people for years beat their cancer.
Okay, found the doctor's name: Dr. Thomas Seyfried.
Here a relevant video featuring Dr. Thomas Seyfried.
I believe the doc your thinking of is Dr. Thomas Seyfried!
That is his name! Thanks.
She is already super active. Her diet is strict but not keto I don’t think I can discuss it with her. We have a somewhat weird relationship.
A person on my social media just posted this yesterday. So I feel like this is the Lord. Here are the links to some information regarding fenbenzodole.
There are two different dosages for the fenbenzodole - I believe it’s by body weight, and the 222 is supposed to be for animals I guess, and the 444 is for adult humans.
Here’s a Treatment story about an animal who was cured from cancer.
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Update from October 28, 2021
Fenbendazole 222 mg (1 gm of PanacurTM or SafeguardTM) per day every day.
Note if you are using liquid - most liquids are 100 mg/ml. You would take 2.2 ml of the liquid.
Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 1TM - 2-4ml 2 times a day depending on your weight.
Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 2TM - 3 capsules 2 times a day only when you are off chemo.
Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 3TM- With each meal - 1 (one) capsule with a light meal and 2 (two) capsules with a heavy meal capsules 2 times a day if you are trying to starve your cancer of sugars.
NEW - Onco AdjunctTM Pathway 4TM- 2 Capsules twice a day. Onco AdjunctTM Pathway
Announcement IMPORTANT: I will not receive any financial remuneration from this company for the sale of these products and I do not own any stock of the company.
I have a significant announcement to make. Several months ago, I was introduced to a researcher who collaborates with other PHD’s, MD’s and researchers globally in the pharma and nutraceutical space.
They have developed some patented technologies that they apply to specific classes of plant extracts and botanicals that dramatically enhance delivery of those ingredients into the bloodstream at exponential levels.
Over the months we have met together, and I have performed extensive due diligence on what they can offer. We’ve discussed a 3-pathway approach and philosophy for cellular support through supplementation that I believe will complement fenbendazole greatly.
Pathway 1: CBD Tincture: CBD has always been part of my protocol, but the new product incorporates some important changes. As we have learned more about the potential benefits of hemp extracts we have discovered that the species of hemp, the methods of its extraction, the ratios of acidic forms of cannabinoids to non-acidic forms of cannabinoids all play a critical role in how well Hemp extracts can have on cancer outcomes.
In my research of Hemp extracts – Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 – product hits all of the important qualities for a hemp extract. First the product is cryoextracted, this preserves the terpenes and the non-decarboxylated cannabinoids. Second, this product uses a proprietary strain of cannabinoid that has actually been tested on cancer cell lines. And Third, they supplement the CBGa cannabinoid to standardize it up to 7mg per dose, something that I believe could be significant. Finally, they add in two other important ingredients, the first being Frankincense, an iconic material dating back to the biblical times and recently the topic of a ton of cancer research. The company’s work on Frankincense focused on a collaboration with Dr HK Lin, the iconic researcher who studied Frankincense as a supplement for cancer for more than a decade. Together they developed an approach that uses specific fractions of Frankincense that are the most beneficial, according to his research. Finally, a Nano molecule carrier, C60 has evidence to show that it could help significantly with low dose chemotherapy, reducing the rtoxicity of chemo to healthy cells and increasing the toxicity to unhealthy cells.
The Onco Adjunct Pathway 1 is a unique combination of Cryo Extracted Hemp, with Middle Eastern frankincense essential oils and the Nano C60 carrier, all in one tincture.
Some people may wish to stay with the previously recommended Forgotten Trails CBD from Pharmacy Plus at and they will continue to supply that as well.
Pathway 2: Curcumin: Curcumin has always been part of my protocol, but even the product that I have previously recommended, Theracurmin HP, simply does not tackle the problem of absorption into the blood stream. You all know I have recommended Theracurmin for some time as being the best, most highly bioabsorbable Curcumin I had found. What I didn’t know about was Ultra Botanica’s LPS technology UltraCur (UltraCurcumin). Data shows better absorption above Theracurmin by at least 6X and their consumer experience proves this out. Their product by itself is a game changer in curcumin and I would have left it at that except the science behind Quercetin, an equally important polyphenolic compound as Curcumin also using their LPS technology to make it absorb into the body. Previously I had been reluctant to recommend Quercetin (also recommended by Jane McClelland and many others) as it had the same problem as Frankincense and Curcumin in absorption into the blood stream. Why take something that simply isn’t being utilized in the bloodstream? UB’s LPS technology solves that problem and they have added the convenience of taking them together with one product.
Specifically, Onco Adjunct Pathway 2 is a combination of 300 mg of Clinical Grade UltraCurcumin, 200 mg of Clinical grade UltraQuercetin and 100 mg of Frankincense powder.There is a lot I could share about the cellular pathways that Curcumin, Quercetin and Frankincense affect, I will leave that to another time.
Pathway 3: Berberine: None of you have heard me recommend Berberine up to this point, even though many researchers have recommended it. Much like Frankincense, Curcumin and Quercetin, Berberine also is not bio-available into the blood stream Something this company’s LPS technology solves. In evaluating the new curcumin and new hemp options I had the opportunity to take a fresh look at Berberine. As most people know, cancer cells are devourers of sugars / glucose in the body. In fact, cancer cells are glucose monsters. Jane McClelland and many cancer coaches strongly recommend starving your cancer cells by ketogenic diets, and Care Oncology recommends Metformin in its protocol for the same reason. For those of you that are serious about starving your cancer cells from glucose, adding in Pathway 3 to your regime could help. Berberine in its soluble LPS form modifies glucose metabolism in much the same way that Metformin modifies glucose metabolism. The scientists in India proved that Fenbendazole is effective in interrupting cancer cells' ability to metabolize sugars and I believe by adding in UltraBerberine as Onco-Adjunct Pathway 3 you further diminish the ability of cancer cells to devour glucose, weakening them and putting their survival at risk.
Pathway 4: This is a new product that has been recently launched. It combines EGCG (Green Tea polyphenols), Resveratrol and Fisetin each of these ingredients is enabled with the company's LPSTM technology. They also added a very important ingredient which is a highly purified Beta gluicans that has the benefit of autophagy/apoptosis on senescent immune cells. This is especially important for the long haul when our immune system can become overtaxed and worn out.
You can learn more about ONCO Adjunct and order the products at the following Onco-AdjunctTM Product Page. The reason I am not linking the direct products here, but rather giving you a link to their page is due to FDA regulations. I need to make it clear that the information you’ll find on their site is fully compliant with the FDA regulations which prohibit them from saying specifically what the products can do that is cancer specific. Their manufacturing facility is an FDA cGMP facility held to the highest quality standards possible.
Please understand the company is not withholding information from you, but they’re saying what they can to stay in a safe haven with the FDA. The last thing we want is for these products to go away because of a violation. Subscribe
Contraband Cures Florida shark man parasite protocol
Here’s more information about curing cancer with anti-parasite, medication’s, and other supplements
GAW - link - cancer fighting treatments
Instagram Additional cancer fighting treatments
I saw a video by Barbara O’Neil on using castor oil for breast cancer. Castor oil penetrates deeply into the body and breaks up bone spurs, tumors etc. I think I saw the video on X but she has a lot of videos on YouTube. She was essentially blacklisted during Covid by her country . I love her info¤tTweetUser=Thekeksociety Here are 2 of Barbara O’Neil videos first is on cancer second is on castor oil