The cost of living is out of control, my wife and I never go on vacation and haven't since before the pandemic, work like dogs, and we wanted to upgrade our home to get a little more space for the kids and stop paying condo fees, but due to interest rates and high prices we could barely even buy the house we currently live in.
Cost of living is absolutely out of control and wages seem to have stagnated. How are others handling this? Everywhere I look there are fast cars, full restaurants, people just getting back from Mexico. What the fuck are all these people doing for work?!
PS: I'm in Canada. Things here I feel are much worse than the USA.
I see it too (in canada). Kids with new trucks putting expensive rims and tires on them, then roaring around town like gas was free. They have good paycheques but no sense of reality. No desire to build a nest egg or a safety net. People eating in restaurants and ordering food to take for lunch the next day. Baffling.
I mean but how can they do this? Literally what is their job. I actually make decent money, and I can't even afford to go away for the weekend.