Our job from day one was to push the Overton window open and help people see just how sick the ruling elite, the old guard was. We were called to awaken the populace to crimes against children, corruption, blackmail, Pedowood, and the thousand other rabbit holes embedded within the Babylon system.
The precipice, although it has felt like a loss for many, has been a necessary revealing to so many more blossoming red pill enthusiasts. The seeds have been planted and watered. The winning is awakening and its happening all around the world. Your perspective on what loss or victory means as a social media red pill distributor can mean the difference between burn out exhaustion or a level of peace knowing you're doing exactly what you're called to do.
Keep your head up. Just because evil reveals itself does not mean the darkness gets the last word. Quite the opposite, in fact.
It's their apocalypse.
Our job from day one was to push the Overton window open and help people see just how sick the ruling elite, the old guard was. We were called to awaken the populace to crimes against children, corruption, blackmail, Pedowood, and the thousand other rabbit holes embedded within the Babylon system.
The precipice, although it has felt like a loss for many, has been a necessary revealing to so many more blossoming red pill enthusiasts. The seeds have been planted and watered. The winning is awakening and its happening all around the world. Your perspective on what loss or victory means as a social media red pill distributor can mean the difference between burn out exhaustion or a level of peace knowing you're doing exactly what you're called to do.
Keep your head up. Just because evil reveals itself does not mean the darkness gets the last word. Quite the opposite, in fact. It's their apocalypse.