Here's hoping you're right! The locations that were mentioned of where the picture was taken, were not familiar to me, so I looked it up. Lo and behold, it's the Dominican Republic. Imagine my shock. /s About as far, on land, from the Haitian border as you can get. Also pretty close to the Virgin Islands.
On a side note, poking around on Google Maps, I noticed, along the beach just south of Palmilla, is the Survivor Game Show Set.
Here's hoping you're right! The locations that were mentioned of where the picture was taken, were not familiar to me, so I looked it up. Lo and behold, it's the Dominican Republic. Imagine my shock. /s About as far, on land, from the Haitian border as you can get. Also pretty close to the Virgin Islands.
On a side note, poking around on Google Maps, I noticed, along the beach just south of Palmilla, is the Survivor Game Show Set.
Curiouser and curiouser......