There are a lot of reasons why Africans are treated so poorly. I think the main one is how poorly Africans treat one another. Another is their cumulative vastly delayed intellectual progression compared to nearly every society in the West. They had functionally zero internal technological innovation over the past couple millennia because the vast majority of African societies never domesticated animals or learned how to farm or plan for winters because there was no winter. You cannot build strategic problem-solving skills when every day has the same struggle. There are many tribes even today where the oldest members are in their early 50s, because any time there is food scarcity, they give the food to the children and all the elders starve to death. One of the orphanages my Dad set up in Kenya was run by a group of pastors who literally only ate one meal a week in order to leave more food for the children.
The average IQ in Africa is in the mid-to-high 70s. This places the average African near the lowest 5% of Western IQs, which consists of people who do not have the mental capacity to care for themselves or fully participate in society. And that's almost the entire continent- though industrialization from Europeans has helped advance Africa dramatically over the past century. One of the biggest contributors to adult intelligence is childhood nutrition, and the food scarcity that happens in Africa is not conducive to a high level of societal intelligence.
I believe that all men are created equal. And sometimes it is kind of hard to hold fast to that when we see videos of Africans killing children with their bare hands and eating one another- or tribesmen clearly drugged out of their minds who are literally biting and eating off their own fingers.
You should read some of the horror stories of what European Christian explorers found in Africa when they first visited- from their writings, every corner of the entire continent was littered with flamboyant cannibal tribes. Everywhere the Europeans decided to settle, they wiped out the violent leaders who did things like surrounded their villages with the bodies of their enemies, but they could not be very thorough because they were had such difficulty acclimating to the insane heat and malaria.
Note that slavery has been eradicated in Christian nations- this is not a coincidence. Christians of European descent didn't start slavery, they ENDED IT. The only strongholds are places that hate Christians and try to kill them- i.e. Middle East, India, China, and Africa.
Africa was and much of it still remains a brutal hellscape where giant populations of people treat one another worse than animals. Don't go looking for video of things like this, the only time I have had nightmares as an adult was for the weeks following my watching video of men eating their own hands. It still haunts me from time to time.
People talk about Switzerland or Israel or DC/City of London/Vatican being Satan's strongholds, but the only explanation I have to explain how people treat one another in Africa is willing demonic possession- if they are indeed also Children of God and made in God's Image just like us, the only way so many of them can be so lost is their decisions to give up their autonomy to Satanic entities en masse. Cannibalism has long been rumored to grant the devourer special connection to the spirit world, and I suspect it to be true. And since it is so core to so many African societies, communing with demons even from childhood would lead to complete insanity as adults. And your choices, diet, and lifestyle affect your genetics, which are then passed down to your children.
I have had plenty of black friends and neighbors over the years, and they have all been wonderful. But there are giant groups of insane people of African descent all over the world now who have zero regard for their own health and wellness and do absolutely despicable things to others without a shred of remorse.
It takes Jesus to save these people. And the ones who are reasonable humans and good neighbors and members of society are Christians or descended from Christians. We are already starting to see what happens in America to multiple successive Godless generations, as an entire generation decided to abandon God and family and marriage and turned to drugs and casual sex, and their children and grandchildren appear to be returning to the wicked ways of their ancestors.
Exodus 20:4-6 (the Second Commandment)
"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."
There are a lot of reasons why Africans are treated so poorly. I think the main one is how poorly Africans treat one another. Another is their cumulative vastly delayed intellectual progression compared to nearly every society in the West. They had functionally zero internal technological innovation over the past couple millennia because the vast majority of African societies never domesticated animals or learned how to farm or plan for winters because there was no winter. You cannot build strategic problem-solving skills when every day has the same struggle. There are many tribes even today where the oldest members are in their early 50s, because any time there is food scarcity, they give the food to the children and all the elders starve to death. One of the orphanages my Dad set up in Kenya was run by a group of pastors who literally only ate one meal a week in order to leave more food for the children.
The average IQ in Africa is in the mid-to-high 70s. This places the average African near the lowest 5% of Western IQs, which consists of people who do not have the mental capacity to care for themselves or fully participate in society. And that's almost the entire continent- though industrialization from Europeans has helped advance Africa dramatically over the past century. One of the biggest contributors to adult intelligence is childhood nutrition, and the food scarcity that happens in Africa is not conducive to a high level of societal intelligence.
I believe that all men are created equal. And sometimes it is kind of hard to hold fast to that when we see videos of Africans killing children with their bare hands and eating one another- or tribesmen clearly drugged out of their minds who are literally biting and eating off their own fingers.
You should read some of the horror stories of what European Christian explorers found in Africa when they first visited- from their writings, every corner of the entire continent was littered with flamboyant cannibal tribes. Everywhere the Europeans decided to settle, they wiped out the violent leaders who did things like surrounded their villages with the bodies of their enemies, but they could not be very thorough because they were had such difficulty acclimating to the insane heat and malaria.
Note that slavery has been eradicated in Christian nations- this is not a coincidence. Christians of European descent didn't start slavery, they ENDED IT. The only strongholds are places that hate Christians and try to kill them- i.e. Middle East, India, China, and Africa.
Africa was and much of it still remains a brutal hellscape where giant populations of people treat one another worse than animals. Don't go looking for video of things like this, the only time I have had nightmares as an adult was for the weeks following my watching video of men eating their own hands. It still haunts me from time to time.
People talk about Switzerland or Israel or DC/City of London/Vatican being Satan's strongholds, but the only explanation I have to explain how people treat one another in Africa is willing demonic possession- if they are indeed also Children of God and made in God's Image just like us, the only way so many of them can be so lost is their decisions to give up their autonomy to Satanic entities en masse. Cannibalism has long been rumored to grant the devourer special connection to the spirit world, and I suspect it to be true. And since it is so core to so many African societies, communing with demons even from childhood would lead to complete insanity as adults. And your choices, diet, and lifestyle affect your genetics, which are then passed down to your children.
I have had plenty of black friends and neighbors over the years, and they have all been wonderful. But there are giant groups of insane people of African descent all over the world now who have zero regard for their own health and wellness and do absolutely despicable things to others without a shred of remorse.
It takes Jesus to save these people. And the ones who are reasonable humans and good neighbors and members of society are Christians or descended from Christians. We are already starting to see what happens in America to multiple successive Godless generations, as an entire generation decided to abandon God and family and marriage and turned to drugs and casual sex, and their children and grandchildren appear to be returning to the wicked ways of their ancestors.
Exodus 20:4-6 (the Second Commandment)
"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."