I believe I understand what you are saying, but maybe I don't. Didn't surveillance kind of get us in this mess? I don't mean just on Trump, but also spying on us via our cellular phones, cameras everywhere, and a lot of other ways they get information about what we do and when. I think it is enough of the spying-unless government agencies MUST get search and seizure warrants-with probable cause and stick to some kind of enforcement protocols. Enough of spying without just cause and my phone giving me hints when I mention something that it picks up on.
I believe I understand what you are saying, but maybe I don't. Didn't surveillance kind of get us in this mess? I don't mean just on Trump, but also spying on us via our cellular phones, cameras everywhere, and a lot of other ways they get information about what we do and when. I think it is enough of the spying-unless government agencies MUST get search and seizure warrants-with probable cause and stick to some kind of enforcement protocols. Enough of spying without just cause and my phone giving me hints when I mention something that it picks up on.