Russian response to a shooter is exactly how we should handle this shit. They're pissed that someone fucked with their community, immediately and relentlessly hunted them down and made an example of them, then increased their pressure against Ukraine.
By comparison we get a bunch of limp dick police that do nothing, a bunch of limp dick politicians that then blame law abiding citizens and we continue to be a laughing stock and then que the community in-fighting blaming everyone but the shooter.
Russian response to a shooter is exactly how we should handle this shit. They're pissed that someone fucked with their community, immediately and relentlessly hunted them down and made an example of them, then increased their pressure against Ukraine.
By comparison we get a bunch of limp dick police that do nothing, a bunch of limp dick politicians that then blame law abiding citizens and we continue to be a laughing stock and then que the community in-fighting blaming everyone but the shooter.