I don’t even remember working 8 hour days. On average it was about 12 hour days. The longest was 52 hours straight and near the end I was doing complex nuclear calculations.
Oh yeah there's definitely plenty out there who go way past that 8 day, its just "9 to 5" is the general standard. I like this song because too much stuff in this genre glamorizes either the lottery of fame (ie: has kids thinking they dont need to do anything but make a tiktok and theyll get rich and famous) or they idolize drug dealing or even killing to get a quick buck.
I can't think of many rappers who made a song from the perspective of a guy doin construction. Funny thing is, this song is American to its bones yet it's actually Canadian. (if you didnt notice the BC poster, or the areas he showed)
edit: i wanna add - I believe the construction part of the song was reflecting on the job he used to do before the music let him do That as a job.
I don’t even remember working 8 hour days. On average it was about 12 hour days. The longest was 52 hours straight and near the end I was doing complex nuclear calculations.
Oh yeah there's definitely plenty out there who go way past that 8 day, its just "9 to 5" is the general standard. I like this song because too much stuff in this genre glamorizes either the lottery of fame (ie: has kids thinking they dont need to do anything but make a tiktok and theyll get rich and famous) or they idolize drug dealing or even killing to get a quick buck.
I can't think of many rappers who made a song from the perspective of a guy doin construction. Funny thing is, this song is American to its bones yet it's actually Canadian. (if you didnt notice the BC poster, or the areas he showed)
edit: i wanna add - I believe the construction part of the song was reflecting on the job he used to do before the music let him do That as a job.