posted ago by svensq ago by svensq +25 / -0

Just reading the headlines today, walking in the city and checking the papers news bulletins [God, I really hate them, the mockingbird globohomo shit papers]. You can clearly see the globohomo echoes speaking in one message.

  1. Putin "finally" admits it's ISIS-K that did the terror massacre attack.

but the globohomo machine is afraid. it's afraid.jpg

  1. Why is Putin talking about a connection to Ukraine (will lead to U.S. CIA and the collective west involvement.

  2. Putin didn't kill the terrorist but captured them and is torturing them to get information (that once again will lead to collective west, maybe even Sweden) about the network behind the attack.

There was one funny headline that read like panic about Putin finally admitting it's ISIS but what is this crazy talk Putin does about punishing and finding out the masterminds behind the attack?. kekekeke.

Gobcern faggots, this is the time to be gobcerned. But I am 100% behind the Russians. If they find terrorist in my city, or country. I for one will welcome Kinshal strikes. Liquidate them all.

When I read memes from rus anons what the Ruskies did to Ultra Sound, I just wished my countrymen had the same mindset once we enter 2025.

The terrorists in Sweden never get such treatments, will probably get out in their lifetime to do some raping of swedish girls.

Another aspect is that death penalty is being talked about in Russia again, (back burner since 90's) we need that discussion in Europe overall. Especially once the cabal starts to get arrested.

I've always thought backup plan if eutards are to weak and feminized is, well military tribunals or just be on international water on navy ships and have tribunals. What faggots are gonna intervene then, you could even probably build some dope ass gallows on them ships.