Wearing your pants down low originated in jail, telling Gay while Inside men you were available, and the term Saggin' is the term in the Rap/Hip Hop communit. An ultra-religious co-worker who happened to be black, 10 years ago told me read saggin' backward... Was a wake-up call for, think Mirror...

And to think young people thought that wearing their pants was cool, when in reality they were giving off the prison invitation signal.😱
They still do it.
Not the brightest bulbs in the box.
They know exactly what it means and still do it. I deal with this every day.
So then these youths are soliciting?
Not in the way you would be thinking of. Its more of a came from jail thing, we own this, we will keep doing it even on the outside, then became the thing to do if you are in that culture (crime not black)
As if it was something to be proud of. How upside down society has become.
If you are a food server, you know they are going to walk out on the bill when they pull up their pants.