President Trump announced that he is selling a bible called the "God Bless the USA Bible"! And this is during Holy Week, right before Easter! The man is not holding back any punches. He's no longer being coy or humble about his faith, he is boldly declaring his endorsement of the bible. He said this is his favorite book, and we all need to get copies. Along with a KJV translation of the bible, inside is also the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the chorus of the song "God Bless the USA". This is truly everything we need in one book, and something every American Patriot needs to be armed with. It just feels like it is the complete package. And all this for only $60. At that price, with inflation, I would be surprised if he's even making any money on this.
Not only is President Trump declaring war on the deep state, he is now declaring war on evil and is showing that under his authority, America is a Christian nation that WILL serve God, regardless of those who stand in the way.
Personally, I disagree with this move. Marketing the Bible, which is God's book given to man so that we would better know about God and better understand our relationship with Him and what is required and what is freely given to us --A Holy book that reveals our need of a Savior and points to Jesus as the fulfillment of that need--, is not appropriate to attach to that book these man made documents (even if they are some of the best that man has ever generated). It is not appropriate to attach the Bible to a political campaign or a human movement.
It is not God whom follows or aligns Himself to specific human movements and organisation --this would in effect be making God subservient to those human things. Rather, the correct evaluation is do you or does the movement / organization align to and follow God and will you trust and follow Jesus?
We are to align with God and follow his plan. We are not to shoehorn God into following our plans. The Hebrew people had to learn that painful lesson multiple times. Such as when they marched into battle with the Ark of the Covenant and reasoned God would nor let them lose with the Ark in their midst. Instead God allowed the enemy to slaughter the Hebrew warriors on the battlefield and allowed the Ark to fall into the hands of the Philistines whom mocked God but soon were dying of a plague while their own idols were falling down before the Ark and being shattered. They sent the Ark back to Israel on a cart pulled by two unguided never-before-yoked milk cows, whom were kept from their calves in the process, and these cows made a beeline for Israel to return the Ark.
Are you saying these documents aren't inspired by God?
I am saying the documents associated to the founding of the United States included with this Bible are not God breathed inspiration. God did not tell the founding fathers to write the content found present in those documents. The founding fathers were not transcribing what the Holy Spirit told them to write, nor do they make any such claim. Therefore, those documents are not scripture. They do not address nor are they intended to address the full relationship of man with God. They do not direct man to Jesus for salvation but take very generalized acknowledgement of truths found in parts of the Bible.
The founding documents are in many ways a synthesized logical derivative of truth that can be understood from the Bible. They are not the same as the Bible as these documents are ultimately only the works and reason of man. I do not equate the founding documents to be Holy or scripture. Putting them into a binding along with the Bible is an indication of equating these documents to be of the same quality or level (perhaps even holiness) as the Bible.
Which Bible ? The KJV which was the rush job to water down the Geneva Bible 1599 of the Pilgrims ?
I'm not interested in arguing semantics about this translation or that translation or going back to original text which very few among us can actually read and understand in the dead languages the text originated.
I am merely pointing out there is a difference between scripture given by God and works generated by man.