Of course it does. Remember the Chicago bath scenes? The dead prostitutes? That didn't start in Chicao, it started in California.
Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president
"A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House."
"He pointed to Obama’s association with convicted Chicago real estate magnate Tony Rezko, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Wright."
I'm just curious to see if this link ends up going back to Hussein.
Of course it does. Remember the Chicago bath scenes? The dead prostitutes? That didn't start in Chicao, it started in California.
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2024/03/501_119901.html Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president "A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House."
"He pointed to Obama’s association with convicted Chicago real estate magnate Tony Rezko, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Wright."
No no, I mean I'm curious if we will see Hussein start getting named from this. It would be an interesting way to take him down.
I highly suspect it will.