The problem for her is, she cared. She cared what people thought of her. It was her family. She cared when people told her she “couldn’t” go places. She tried to do the right thing. She said herself she is a very sensitive person. Some of us just didn’t give a $&@&. Don’t like my decision, &@$! You. I can’t go there? &$@! You. Arrest me then. She is a good person. Much better than I am, was.
I think its fair to say she arrived at her decision to refuse the vax by a different path than many people, myself included. Mostly its the path thats significant, here I think the outcome is much more so.
The empathy/group dynamic angle was probably a harder battle to stay true to yourself with, compared to say the analytical digging into government, pharma companies, gates, fauxi etc and arriving at the correct place via pure logos. Did for example more women get bullied into taking the vax than men through the social pressure being applied, even though financial pressure aka threat of exclusion from a workplace might hit men harder with their families being more reliant on their income? This stuff was all gamed out to craft effective messaging to try and force people to take it..
I think it was South Australian government...either way one Aussie state government shared the study on their website.
Psych study how to manipulate the masses to take the shot.
"You'll kill grandma" was top winner hence rolling with it. They pulled at people's empathy
Could have been this Yale university study that you're referencing. And yes, having 'focus groups' plan out the crime and excuses for crime and strategies to make the crime more successful and impact a higher victim count all ahead of when it became known the vax was deadly shows premeditation, malice, all those conditions that usually signal guilt of crime.
Nar. People can be hot and still deemed not good enough. Especially as she said when your opinion goes against 90 % of the population. I have family members who are gorgeous like her. Yet outcasts because of opinions.
Yeah praise to the rumble algorithm I guess, other than this video of hers I have never seen anything else she has made. And thats why groups like google are a problem.
Retrospective? I'm still dealing with this bullshit:
The problem for her is, she cared. She cared what people thought of her. It was her family. She cared when people told her she “couldn’t” go places. She tried to do the right thing. She said herself she is a very sensitive person. Some of us just didn’t give a $&@&. Don’t like my decision, &@$! You. I can’t go there? &$@! You. Arrest me then. She is a good person. Much better than I am, was.
I think its fair to say she arrived at her decision to refuse the vax by a different path than many people, myself included. Mostly its the path thats significant, here I think the outcome is much more so.
The empathy/group dynamic angle was probably a harder battle to stay true to yourself with, compared to say the analytical digging into government, pharma companies, gates, fauxi etc and arriving at the correct place via pure logos. Did for example more women get bullied into taking the vax than men through the social pressure being applied, even though financial pressure aka threat of exclusion from a workplace might hit men harder with their families being more reliant on their income? This stuff was all gamed out to craft effective messaging to try and force people to take it..
I think it was South Australian government...either way one Aussie state government shared the study on their website. Psych study how to manipulate the masses to take the shot. "You'll kill grandma" was top winner hence rolling with it. They pulled at people's empathy
Could have been this Yale university study that you're referencing. And yes, having 'focus groups' plan out the crime and excuses for crime and strategies to make the crime more successful and impact a higher victim count all ahead of when it became known the vax was deadly shows premeditation, malice, all those conditions that usually signal guilt of crime.
To be honest I'm not sure if it's the same or just similar study. Some things are but there's more in this then I can recall reading previously
Good for her for hanging in, in spite of all the pain she went through. She has a very strong moral compass.
The claws , lips & lashes suggest that this virtue signaler may be a chameleon.
Nar. People can be hot and still deemed not good enough. Especially as she said when your opinion goes against 90 % of the population. I have family members who are gorgeous like her. Yet outcasts because of opinions.
She a hottie
Yeah praise to the rumble algorithm I guess, other than this video of hers I have never seen anything else she has made. And thats why groups like google are a problem.