Unpopular opinion, I think they're going to let Biden steal another election, this time they might give him something even more ridiculous like 100 million votes. Moreover, since some of the states have already passed voter IDs, almost all of these 100 million would be coming from battlegrounds like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The number of votes may even exceed the number of adult residents of the state. It would be so blatantly fraudulent that all but the most brainwashed would have no choice but to admit that the election was a fraud. This would be the awakening event that leads to a military coup and tribunals.
Unpopular opinion, I think they're going to let Biden steal another election, this time they might give him something even more ridiculous like 100 million votes. Moreover, since some of the states have already passed voter IDs, almost all of these 100 million would be coming from battlegrounds like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The number of votes may even exceed the number of adult residents of the state. It would be so blatantly fraudulent that all but the most brainwashed would have no choice but to admit that the election was a fraud. This would be the awakening event that leads to a military coup and tribunals.