My take on the Precipice is that we will reach it when the horror of child abuse and harvesting is shoved in the world's face. That's when the Cabal will attempt to pull the plug. That's when X and Space Force will really come into play. All else going on is peripheral to that fact. Cont.

I guess I'm asking more of a philosophical question more than anything.
Like. They lie about going to war. They use usury to justify war. War is nothing more than state authorized murder of its enemy. Or is there a moral obligation to identify and eradicate evil?
Is there levels of evils? Is there such a thing as a berder?
There must be. We are all sinful. But not all sinners are equal? Or not all sin is equal?I'm not Jeffrey Dahmer....? Or Ted Bundy. But I'm certainly a sinner.
Be blessed my fren
That's ad hominem.
I'm asking a question. I'm not trying to be passive aggressive. Nor am I superior. I'm genuinely curious how other people rationalize these things.
You're not sloth. You're not lust You're not envy You're not gluttony You're not wrath You're not greed
You are pride. You cannot possibly be wrong.