posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +36 / -0

TERF - derogatory. Transgender EX-CLUSIONARY Radical Feminist

TIRF - virtue signal. Transgender IN-CLUSIONARY Radical Feminist.

TIM - derogatory. Trans-identified male (biological male who thinks he is a woman)

TIF - derogatory. Trans-identified female (biological female who thinks she is a man)

Transphobe - derogatory. any person who doesn't play along with the delusions of TIMs and TIFs, for example, if you don't use TIM's and TIFs "preferred pronouns".

Gender Euphoria - the sexual thrill a TIM or TIF gets when a random stranger accidentally mis-genders them, by using their preferred pronouns. It socially validates their socially constructed gender identity.

Gender Dysphoria - the uncomfortable sensation experienced when a TIM or TIF is reminded that they are, in fact, still their "sex assigned at birth". for example, they would be triggered if a stranger accidentally fails to use their preferred pronouns.

"IT"S MA'AM!!!"

Often, a TIM will experience gender dysphoria when confronted with his own cock and balls, or his own 5 o'clock shadow. hence the need for the invention of new concepts like "lady dick"

Preferred Pronouns - when a TIM or TIF is so obviously "non-passing" that they frequently get "mis-gendered" by random people out in public. the TIMs, TIFs, and their enablers will often annunciate the pronouns that they would prefer you would use while talking about them when they aren't around, which is kind of presumptuous to assume anyone would even associate with you, much less talk about you at all

Mis-gender - in the mind of a TIM or TIF, if you purposefully or even accidentally refer to them as their actual gender that as "assigned at birth", you are "mis-gendering" them, which is an act of violence.

However in reality, the real mis-gendering happens when you actually do use any of their "preferred pronouns" that are not congruent with their "sex assigned at both"

Lady Dick - an ordinary dick, but on the body of a TIM.

in order for the trans ideology to make any sense at all, they pretend that

"some women have dicks... and you should get over it... and while you're at it... you should learn to enjoy sucking lady dick too, ya fukkin transphobe"

Usually "LADY DICK" is used in a confrontational context, similar to "HEY, FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!"

Example: a TIM hits on a lesbian, and the lesbian rejects his unwanted sexual advances, and as the TIM is walking away dejected, he says,


"TERF" is basically a derogatory term used to describe "radical feminist" women who don't think TIMs are women at all, and therefore "exclude" TIMs from women-only spaces, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and lesbian bars.

So, people like Riley Gaines...

Now, you might think that its perfectly normal for ordinary women to want to keep TIMs out of their spaces, but for a sizable portion of the left, its practically NAZI-ism, to deny someones self-assigned gender identity.

After all, the first book burnings that the nazis did, were at the (((gender clinic)))

And what do you do to a person you unilaterally and arbitrarily decide is a NAZI?

You get violent with them, of course!

Or else Hitler takes over the entire world, and we all speak German!!

Below is a link to "TERF is a slur dot com", which showcases the numerous examples of vitriol, hate and violence aimed at TERFs.

There is also a link to an "x dot com" search for TERF, where you will find that the word TERF is most often used in the context of (left wing) "violent hate speech"

TERFs are pretty much the worst of the worst, the lowest of the low, and the last group of people that its socially acceptable and fashionable to hate.

TERFs themselves get banned off of social media for "hate speech" merely for stating the obvious fact that "TIMs aren't women at all"

BANNED: http://old.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical

This is a HUGE wedge issue in left wing politics, so obviously we need to educate ourselves, and educate others, and drive this wedge deeper into the left, to help break up their solidarity, and help them to "eat their own".

This issue is very thorny in the LGBT community, where you have trans people forcing themselves onto unwilling victims, and their victims who are scared to fight back, lest they be labeled as TERFs or transphobes and socially cancelled.

A good example of this is Transgender Day of Visibility.

even Joe Biden makes a statement about it.

It takes two to tango, so in order for a trans person to get the "more visibility" that they demand, there has to be some unwitting and unwilling victim getting coerced into actually looking at them more than they ever wanted to.

The entire trans movement can be summarized in one short statement,


Another common example is just plain old lesbians, who just want to be left alone, but who are compelled to "include" TIMs in their dating pool, or else they get cancelled by the TIRF lesbians...

And if the lesbian just isn't into cock and balls?

Then she's a TERF, and should just get over her "genital preference", and learn to suck "lady dick".

TIMs and TIFs are known to say things like,

"if you wouldn't date any individual trans person, thats fine... BUT if you wouldn't date ANY trans person at all, ever... well then you should really think about where that hate comes from, and how your blatant transphobia is affecting other people..."

one fundamental difference between trans people, and any other ordinary LGB person, is that trans people demand that 100% of the people around them actively participate with their delusions.

delusions which are often part of a sexual fetish, or kink. they call it "gender euphoria". they get off on you using their preferred pronouns, and if you use their preferred pronouns, you are basically volunteering to publicly wank them off.

So anyway, on The Day of Visibility, lets be sure to support the TERFs, and give them the visibility they deserve.




