Beyond that, all this easter bunny stuff is exactly what thw White House is endorsing. Secular everything, ALL the time. Even on the day of celebrating Jesus' victory.
I wouldnt be caught dead throwing my hat in with anything that regime endorses. They claim evil as good and good as evil. Doing what they do in secular living is not a wise decision.
You're getting flamed by so hard because you're over the target. You're saying something that is completely obvious.
I can't believe this even needs to be said, let alone that people disagree:
The easter bunny should not overshadow Christ.
Most of the ones disagreeing are non-Christians:
If people want to have Easter bunnies and Easter eggs - that is their choice (it is not mine). But I will NOT be condemned by atheists trying to censor my free speech, question my motives for exalting my Savior and calling me names when all I am trying to do is glorify the Lord for what He did for us all. Easter is always a tough time for atheists. News flash - eternity ain't going to be a picnic in the lake of fire either.
God bless.
It amazes me how uneducated people can be. I am very Christian, but I also know where our Holidays come from.
You're right. They know they are wrong but will defend it to the death seemingly.