25 years ago, on March 31st of 1999, "The Matrix" was released. Red Pill vs Blue Pill, The White Rabbit, Alice & Wonderland, The Mad Hatter, Wizards & Warlocks . . . all comms originating from this White Hat production meant to prepare humanity for The Great Awakening!

The Alice connections span back to at least Aleister Crowley's writings, but it spans earlier. The book is symbolism. A fun "story" for kids, but symbolic and full of meaning for those who can read the signs and symbols.
The original book title was "Alice's Adventures Underground", which refers to the "Underground" (figuratively and sometimes literally) initiation ceremonies.
Crowley had some respect for Lewis Carroll, aka Ludovicus Carolus, a known pedophile.
Want to see more of the Satanic initiations in media form? Go back to the film "Bimbo's Initiation" in which character Bimbo gets locked in a manhole "Underground" by Mickey Mouse, goes through a bunch of mind shattering experiences and is constantly asked by the illumined "Wanna be a member?"
Having said no throughout the film, it's only when worn down by fear and trauma, he is presented with a sexual teenage girl icon Betty Boop, the carrot after all the sticks, and he says YES, HE WANTS TO BE A MEMBER.
Upon agreeing to be a member, all the hooded "illumined" men remove their hoods and transform into identical Betty Boop child sex slaves and begin a homosexual butt slapping routine.
It's all full of Satanic Ritual Abuse trigger scenes and symbology.
Seriously, this film is as honest a depiction of the initiation process and their symbols as has ever been put to film.
I saw that film a couple of years ago. Everything you said is spot on. One of the creepiest things I had ever seen and from the so called “Golden Age” of Hollywood.