215 DJT Posts 175m in Bond - FJB! (media.greatawakening.win) 💥 NARRATIVE COLLAPSE 💥 posted 10 months ago by QDay 10 months ago by QDay +215 / -0 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Oh my god, first you were arguing that this was false
and it's not.
Then you move the goalposts to it was about seizing all his assets.
which is also false.
when I talk about how the actual process would go, you call me dishonest because of????
Idiots on Reddit and Twitter?
I was talking about the NY AG and the judge not idiots on Twitter.
More goalpost moving
Attachment is a legal concept hundreds of years old. It's been part of creditor/debtor law forever. Here's an example from 1702
Here's an example from the papers of Thomas Jefferson.
This is different from the more recent civil forfeiture laws.