I was in Cincinnati for work back on March 6th shopping for my little girl's birthday present at this educational toy store. In the weeks and months prior I had already had the Holy Spirit move me towards disinterest and resolve that I was just going to attend to April 8th as any normal day. I was going to go to work and do what I would normally do. If I was outside when it happened, so be it. If i was in my office, so be it.
As I live on the path of totality this eclipse has been in the news for me for a while and every time it would pop its head up leading up to this day I was just continually underwhelmed in the Spirit about it all. I lived In Chicago during the last eclipse a few years back and I felt the same about the last one, however last time, I was not "prepared" in the Spirit to be "ho hum" about the experience. Last time I just happened to be working outside when it happened and I continued to simply work. The experience was nothing special other than how "unspecial" the whole thing was.
Leading up to this eclipse I have been routinely led to a "why?" or "so?" sort of sense about it in the Spirit. As it grew nearer it became clearer that some people really cared about this whole thing. I took notice of people s concern for this growing as it drew nearer.
When I arrived to that toy store to buy gifts I was already resolved that I would just go about my life on that day doing what I do. As I was checking out, there on the counter was a display stand for "eclipse glasses" and I thought to myself, "I should get the girls a pair. It is an astronomical event after all."
As soon as that thought crossed my mind I was struck in the Spirit. He spoke to me and told me to have absolutely nothing to do with the eclipse. In a VERY SERIOUS tone to it all. In a, "You will have NOTHING to do with it," command tone to it. Ok, I hear you loud and clear Lord. No glasses bought for the girls.
Days later I had a friend/brother call me and, from a man who doesn't regularly ask me questions in such an upfront manner, asked me, "What do you believe about this eclipse?" To which I proceeded to speak.
He then told me his testimony who spoke to the same thing.
Had a sister in Christ, completely unprovoked, speak the same thing.
Had the Lord then confirm it all through a dearly loved woman who is yet still learning to understand the love of the Holy Spirit.
This isnt the internet spreading this. This is the Holy Spirit. The Lord is active on this topic.
I am very curious, what are other Believers hearing about this from Him?
It is not a good thing coming, is my gut. But we already knew that, right? Too many Biblical connections to ignore, but it feels solemn to me not celebratory.
Especially with the CERN thingy.
Came here to say that. I'm more concerned about CERN than the eclipse.
I think CERN is garbage, a globalist money pit that doesn't work like they hoped it would; otherwise, they would have already done great evil with it. They are just hyping it during the eclipse to try to hijack God's heavenly wonder.