It's the strangest thing to me how many white liberals slobber over Muslims and can never get enough of bowing to them and their demands. The very people who would kill liberals and their way of life if they had the chance, the last people in the world who would ever support or even tolerate a gay or a tranny. But they're mostly brown and poor, and they're anti-Christian, so the left worships them. It's an illness.
The university system is another pillar of corrupted Western society that will crumble soon. Soon, no one will donate to them and many will no longer send their children to be indoctrinated in them. It's already happening. I encourage all of the teenagers I teach to go to trade schools and learn a real skill. If you want to learn an academic subject, there are dozens of courses available online that are as good or better than what you can learn at a local university. Let these institutions die.
It's the strangest thing to me how many white liberals slobber over Muslims and can never get enough of bowing to them and their demands. The very people who would kill liberals and their way of life if they had the chance, the last people in the world who would ever support or even tolerate a gay or a tranny. But they're mostly brown and poor, and they're anti-Christian, so the left worships them. It's an illness.
The university system is another pillar of corrupted Western society that will crumble soon. Soon, no one will donate to them and many will no longer send their children to be indoctrinated in them. It's already happening. I encourage all of the teenagers I teach to go to trade schools and learn a real skill. If you want to learn an academic subject, there are dozens of courses available online that are as good or better than what you can learn at a local university. Let these institutions die.