Major Events Surrounding the April 8th Solar Eclipse (5:44)
🤔💭 Eclipse Video Theory 😲💡
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Not everything is occult just because it has an eye my fren. That video is Alex Grey's art. Alex Grey's use of eyes is not at all connected to occult. In my interpretation the eyes symbolizes expanded states of consciousness, transcendence, and spiritual awakening. Alex Grey is/was into psychedelics. The various eyes in his art was inspired from Alex's experience with Ayahuasca, a South American psychoactive brew.
More proof he is not into occult, or the 'all seeing eye':
– Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey
foreword by Allyson Grey & Alex Grey
1990, Inner Traditions
Further, these eyes in the artwork are more likely related to the "third eye". Tool has a song called "third eye."
So you’re not a Christian then? If you’re not, then that makes perfect sense what you’re saying. But if you are, I don’t think you’d be saying that.
None of my business, I’m not going to beat you over the head with a Bible. But that video was so uncomfortable and evil, that I minimized it immediately. Even trying to listen to Mynard explain away his faith in Christ so-called… He may be in to mysticism, but he’s not into Jesus Christ.
Everybody has a choice to make, and I can’t make it for you. But I totally disagree with that artwork. Creepy totally creepy!
What does being a Christian have to do with my comment you're replying to... psychedelics and what Alex Grey himself states?
Just because you think the art is creepy does not mean it's satanic or occult or demonic. What I see are patterns and visuals inspired from doing psychedelics, which I have done in the past.
OK I disagree with you.
God bless you have a great day!
All good in the hood my gal. God bless you as well!