1. Strictly enforce laws against all businesses/individuals who hire illegal aliens.
1a. Drastically increase punishments for illegal hiring (aka. slavery). Punishments include mandatory jail time; complete, ruinous asset seizures of illegal businesses.
1b. Financial Compensation for the legal businesses, and employees damaged by the forementioned illegal businesses, due to unfair competition.
-Compensation packages will be paid out using seized assets, and fines gathered from the illegal businesses, their owners, and any/all shareholders, and investor's, including banks, and insurance companies who have financial ties to illegal businesses.
Any entity that financially contributes to the survival of illegal businesses shall be held liable for the criminal, and civil law violations of said illegal business. The degree of that liability will be based on wether the entity was knowingly, or unknowingly making contributions to the illegal business- but no free pass, minimum punishments will be mandatory.
2. Reward Payment's for Exposure of Illegal Businesses.
Individuals who alert authorities regarding an illegal business, ori illegal hiring shall be legally classified as "whistleblowers," and subject to protections granted by that legal status.
2a. Reward payments will come from Federal, and/or state programs. Businesses may be subject to a nominal fee to help fund the whistleblower rewards program.
2b. Illegal aliens who become whistle blowers shall earn a special immigration status that includes a temporary work visa, and possibly expedited future [legal] immigration proceedings.
TL;DR- Make and enforce laws against the people who hire illegal aliens that are so severe, that even Draco of Athens himself would blush from envy. Also, reward whistleblowers. Fix Census population counts. This ends nearly all problematic illegal immigration.
1. Strictly enforce laws against all businesses/individuals who hire illegal aliens.
1a. Drastically increase punishments for illegal hiring (aka. slavery). Punishments include mandatory jail time; complete, ruinous asset seizures of illegal businesses.
1b. Financial Compensation for the legal businesses, and employees damaged by the forementioned illegal businesses, due to unfair competition.
-Compensation packages will be paid out using seized assets, and fines gathered from the illegal businesses, their owners, and any/all shareholders, and investor's, including banks, and insurance companies who have financial ties to illegal businesses.
Any entity that financially contributes to the survival of illegal businesses shall be held liable for the criminal, and civil law violations of said illegal business. The degree of that liability will be based on wether the entity was knowingly, or unknowingly making contributions to the illegal business- but no free pass, minimum punishments will be mandatory.
2. Reward Payment's for Exposure of Illegal Businesses.
Individuals who alert authorities regarding an illegal business, ori illegal hiring shall be legally classified as "whistleblowers," and subject to protections granted by that legal status.
2a. Reward payments will come from Federal, and/or state programs. Businesses may be subject to a nominal fee to help fund the whistleblower rewards program.
2b. Illegal aliens who become whistle blowers shall earn a special immigration status that includes a temporary work visa, and possibly expedited future [legal] immigration proceedings.
TL;DR- Make and enforce laws against the people who hire illegal aliens that are so severe, that even Draco of Athens himself would blush from envy. Also, reward whistleblowers. Fix Census population counts. This ends nearly all problematic illegal immigration.
Almost forgot:
3. Fix the Census to Only Count Legal Citizens as Population for Election Districts.
-Self explanatory.