As soon as I have time to get my s#@t together, I am taking this to Ken Paxton to try to make it happen here. If you live in a state that has any chance of getting this type of legislation on the board, you should too. It's one of the greatest infringements on our health and rights out there.
i am in North Texas and have seen what i believe to be chemtrails on two different time directly south, about a dozen "stripes" in the sky that were the same distance well-defined, looked like stripes on a flag, wish i'd taken a pic...then they began to spread out to cover that part of the horizon...this was early just after dawn...the other one was directly west of me, the "stripes" already fanning out, in exact spacing, no mistaking it for clouds...probably happening more in rural areas than cities, my guess...our TX legislature meets every other yr, and 2025 is ours.
I too am in Texas. What used to be the sanctuary that was Austin. Keep an eye on the sky, you will probably find it to be almost, if not, on the daily. Many of the trails they lay are harder to see as they disperse quickly and leave a grayish hue in the sky. It often makes the sun feel much hotter than it would naturally. Rings around the sun are also a sure sign that they have been busy. Also, go out and look at the moon when it is full. For some reason, they almost always lay trails in front of it.
Thanks for the heads up on the timing of the legislature. I'm going to make a serious effort to fight it. It .makes me as angry as anything else they do not directly involving childrren.
As soon as I have time to get my s#@t together, I am taking this to Ken Paxton to try to make it happen here. If you live in a state that has any chance of getting this type of legislation on the board, you should too. It's one of the greatest infringements on our health and rights out there.
i am in North Texas and have seen what i believe to be chemtrails on two different time directly south, about a dozen "stripes" in the sky that were the same distance well-defined, looked like stripes on a flag, wish i'd taken a pic...then they began to spread out to cover that part of the horizon...this was early just after dawn...the other one was directly west of me, the "stripes" already fanning out, in exact spacing, no mistaking it for clouds...probably happening more in rural areas than cities, my guess...our TX legislature meets every other yr, and 2025 is ours.
I’ve seen YEARS of perfectly lined grids that cause an overcast over a clear blue sky. Happens nearly every week where I am.
Every week? Must be nice, here on the east coast aka the geo engineering Guinea pigs of the world this is a daily occurrence sadly….
5am clean blue skies 12noon cloudy by the evening it’s dark as day….
Ugh, that’s awful. Yeah, it’s a few times a week here. I guess they take a few days off.
I too am in Texas. What used to be the sanctuary that was Austin. Keep an eye on the sky, you will probably find it to be almost, if not, on the daily. Many of the trails they lay are harder to see as they disperse quickly and leave a grayish hue in the sky. It often makes the sun feel much hotter than it would naturally. Rings around the sun are also a sure sign that they have been busy. Also, go out and look at the moon when it is full. For some reason, they almost always lay trails in front of it.
Thanks for the heads up on the timing of the legislature. I'm going to make a serious effort to fight it. It .makes me as angry as anything else they do not directly involving childrren.