Witsend 3 points ago +3 / -0

My brother-in-law found himself in a situation where he camps and occasionally rents. He became a caddy, and works in Texas and Montana, splitting the work where seasons are timed. He found the most beautiful campground in Texas, and rents a shed house when in Montana. He stashes away money and snowboards all winter long when there is no caddying to be done. He has a life that is one to be jealous of. It all started with the government taking all of his money. He was desperate, but his attitude is what made it work. I hope you can make an omelette as he has. It's a beautiful country. Go and see it while you begin anew. Godspeed.

Witsend 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, that was how I viewed her, but if her dad is Jamaican, then I have to give her that. Jamaicans are most certainly black. Now, do I think she understands being black? Most certainly not. No more than I understand being Spanish. I grew up often watching my grandparents speak Spanish among family, but I grew up white, no two ways about it.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are preemptively covering for the angle of the shot that are about to be ascertained. If it was shrapnel, there would be no way to determine from where the shot was fired.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you just read the article, you would never think him a tormented pedophile.

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's true. False flags have completely ceased in Australia since they took their guns. Not one child has been lost to a cabal orchestrated shooting.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not unrealistic. I have definitely entertained the possibility of using their own tactics against them. They have taken me from trying to decide what is real and moved me to just reacting to my immediate world. We will only know where the ball lands when the table stops spinning. Until then, all is speculation. Not that I don't opine, I just have to shrug my shoulders each time I do. Lats looking firm.

Witsend 5 points ago +5 / -0

Photoshopped. She is nowhere near that pretty

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gay, non-american black dudes with tranny wives had their day, this makes all of the sense in the world.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol. And she also said that she made a rule wherein I couldn't be fired. Plus, she said I could have a three million dollar bonus. Oh, and her Grey and pink heels. And car. I think she said I could have her car. Cars, I mean.

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is Shawn Porter News? Anyone is free to say anything. This seems pretty fanciful. I have a report that Hillary issued an order to Biden to issue an order to the secret service to attend a gala in lieu of attending their duties.

Witsend 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe that they thought they could walk their little chihuahua off lease, now they are chasing it down the street as it wrecks up everyone's flower beds.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't leave this at 33 comments. If that ain't the first if many talking points trying to make the stolen vote look legitimate, I don't know what is.

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