"What are the chances of this? The two biggest red pills in the last month or so: Diddy and Nickelodeon have merged together into one.
It almost all feels scripted. WTF?
The actor was asked to perform in a skin-tight suit as "Young Fetus" the rapper.
Young Fetus.. this is just strange on an episode already filled with really weird innuendo, especially knowing we know now about Diddy and his blackmail operation.
Remember: This is the same Nickelodeon set that had a myriad of pedophiles now proven to be working on the midst of all these children."
https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/diddys-horrifying-appearance-on-nickelodeon X (https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1775549837838102761?s=20)
I ran into a friend, who lives in Manhattan, over the Easter Holidays. He mentioned he was working with Nickelodeon. I didn't say anything. Thought it was an interesting coincidence.
You should have said something, wtf. That was your opportunity to make a difference
He works on sound tracks. He has zero influence and I've known him since I was in diapers. I'm not going to make him feel like shit when he is just trying to live life and be a good person.
Nods and understood.