That doesn't mean I'm not angry at them, or that I don't also hate them sometimes. I find some of them worthy of disgust; to look upon them makes me sick, truly.
But I'm not Jesus, nor God, and I'm fallible. I try very hard to correct my thinking and see them how God sees them (the same way He sees me), and I hope if I do this enough, that I can be more like Him while I'm here.
This prayer helped me with this very thing:
God, help me to see others the way you see me.
God, help me to love others the way that you love me.
God, help me to forgive others the way that you forgive me.
It's kind of because of this that I have compassion and empathy/sympathy for my enemies.
Underneath it all, I don't want to see them damned. I want to see them give it all up to God.
That doesn't mean I'm not angry at them, or that I don't also hate them sometimes. I find some of them worthy of disgust; to look upon them makes me sick, truly.
But I'm not Jesus, nor God, and I'm fallible. I try very hard to correct my thinking and see them how God sees them (the same way He sees me), and I hope if I do this enough, that I can be more like Him while I'm here.
This prayer helped me with this very thing: God, help me to see others the way you see me. God, help me to love others the way that you love me. God, help me to forgive others the way that you forgive me.
The beginning of true faith is to see things from God's viewpoint.
The second order of true faith is to put God in the center, not one's self or any other.
The third order of true faith is to honor Jesus as the one who can bring me closer to God, and to push away from evil.
The completion of faith is to multiply the goodness of God in all my actions and choices.
But it all starts from the first one.
God looks upon some of these children with disgust, but because his love is greater, he grieves for the lost child they used to be.
Trust but VERIFY , you shall know them by their works.