I just want to write a message of appreciation and love for both the Q posts and the anons I have met in the crazy 6 year 6 month 6 week 6 day period between the eclipses. I hurt for our country, and the evil that the entire world has been put through over this period. However I also feel, as I'm sure many of you do, that this TesT has made me stronger, a true trial by fire. "Gold is tried with fire; as by the purifying fire gold is purged of dross (Isaiah 1:25)".
I am sure many of you by now have read many interesting things about the eclipses over America, from the 7 salems of 2017 to the Jonah, Ninevahs, Rapture, and Golden Gate that are about to be crossed tomorrow. From the aleph and tav signature to the fact that Christ was crucified under a total eclipse (still remembered in countless medieval paintings such as Reuben's Elevation of the Cross. Interestingly, the catholic church also changed the date of the Annunciation of the christ child to April 8 this year. Is the day of death the day of birth? Is it all one ouroboros-like loop? The joining of the sol and mon together as one Salomon or in hebrew the same word for peace.
I could leave it there, with a simply thank you to all the incredible anons who have been together for this whirlwind of a journey, but what would a good GreatAwakening post be without some date fagging. Here we go.
Let's take a look at something that is very rarely discussed about some of the Q posts, namely the capitalized letters that begin each line. Who is mentioned in this April 8 post?
April 8 2018
POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The “Start.” Enjoy the show. Q
Now the Capitalized letters: PRPHTEQ --- Prophetic? April 8? JFK jr? Can't be....can it?
Nov 8 2022
Endless lies. Endless wars. Endless inflation. Endless 'printing'. Endless oppression. Endless subjugation. Endless surveillance. Who will put an end to the endless? Taking control. Q
How about this post, EXACTLY 17 MONTHS FROM TOMORROW. Capitalized letters beginning with Q and working your way up? Q TWEEEEEEE exactly 17 months before tomorrow. 5:5 for Q55? Buckle up Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore.
Does the Letter Q (especially on a black background) look like a solar eclipse? Does the JFK grave look like a Q or a solar eclipse? Could it look like a portal to a whole new, beautiful world?
How about one of the most famous album's of all time? Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon with famous song Eclipse. 18,666 days exactly before April 8 eclipse? 18 is 6 + 6 + 6 as well.
How about Black Monday, 1987? Exactly 33 years 33 months 33 weeks 33 days before eclipse?
Since 888 is the number in greek for JESUS or IESOUS (did you know 888+888=1776), I thought to check what happened 888 days before tomorrow, NOV 2 2021. The #1 story online for that date was the MSM making fun of people for believing that JFK Jr was alive. Surely just a coincidence....
And one more to really blow your mind. Some of you might know that during WW1, archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in his car which initiated WW1, with a license plate that read A111118 or Armistice 11/11/18 which marked the end of the war from the beginning. How about the License plate at the JFK assassination? GG 300 or 77, 300. Will DJT be exactly 77 years old 300 days tomorrow (or april 9 depending on if you count the final day).
It's a lot of hopium, but ultimately no matter what happens I am thankful for the knowledge I have learned from the Q posts, and even more happy to have met people from all around the world who stand up and fight for the truth when they are called.
I love you all. WE ARE THE STORM.
"Once again, a transition from what is being seen to something new!
These are all official history; I’m only interpreting what MSM records as the most famous eclipses and recognizing they are tied to historic moments in history about the exact same thing!"
"This was the replacement of the U.S.S.R.!
Another perfect symbol for a transition of breakaway from one thing to antoher. USSR-> Russia/Ukraine/etc An ECLIPSE as the old is no longer viewed in positive terms!"
"Jack the Ripper remains infamous as the first sensationalist INTERNATIONAL NEWS STORY. The origin of MSM hysteria? It is a good symbol people seeing one thing and then another suddenly."