so, as some of you know i make music - years ago i had a buddy from Ukraine i met on FB through the music.
He was a dude i talked to alot because when i was up late catching a buzz and everyone out here was asleep, his timezone had him there with me lol
Dude was based tho, knew his gov was corrupt as mine, we had some long talks. He loved "America" and wished he could come here. and this was years before the Q drops n all that mind you. But yeah...
I Wonder how he's doing. Like, sure we think Ukraine and we instantly think the worst. but....
Can you be mad at a guy in Florida that lives near Disney just because shady shit happens at that park? That dude was a good dude and its been years since I've spoke to him. Who knows if hes even still alive.
Try to reach him.
That's why I made this post. I actually have made attempts but he hasn't used that fb in years and i cant find a newer one.
Maybe you can find him on instagram or X or some other place musicians hang out. Keep trying. He sounds like a good guy and it would be good to reconnect with him. Maybe he even made it to the U.S.
nah he wasnt a musician at all he just was one of the few people that actually was a fan and would msg me like hey bro got anything new lol
i remember he would show me the dystopian nightmare of apartment complexes he lived in from his window and id show him my window of a kansas forest lol like ive tried like hell to see how he's doin.
Yeah, I don't do social media so I don't know how to find people, but maybe someone here will have some suggestions.
I leave it up to god. I've had people i hadnt talked to for decades pop up outta nowhere so if me and him are due for another convo itll happen
i just hope he didnt become collateral damage in something he had no fight in
Yes, agreed.
Agreed. For peace of mind, first. As a source of boots-on-the-ground info, second.