so, as some of you know i make music - years ago i had a buddy from Ukraine i met on FB through the music.
He was a dude i talked to alot because when i was up late catching a buzz and everyone out here was asleep, his timezone had him there with me lol
Dude was based tho, knew his gov was corrupt as mine, we had some long talks. He loved "America" and wished he could come here. and this was years before the Q drops n all that mind you. But yeah...
I Wonder how he's doing. Like, sure we think Ukraine and we instantly think the worst. but....
Can you be mad at a guy in Florida that lives near Disney just because shady shit happens at that park? That dude was a good dude and its been years since I've spoke to him. Who knows if hes even still alive.
As others have said, reach out if you can.
First, to make sure they're safe and to reconnect.
Second, to obtain valuable firsthand Intel as to the flow of human emotion/thought as pertains to the common folk I.E. you and I and your friend and everyone else who stands to lose this war.
and as I've replied to others - I've tried.
I'm sorry, my good sir. Give it time.
I would like to reiterate your point that there are good people in bad places. I believe that is very important to highlight, and is a very salient point.
I'd take it to the extreme.
There are people born of this beast system that want out. They're good people, caught between a rock and a hard place.
We're going to need compassion for them who do flee the beast system, because they were forced to do horrible things.
i am not their judge, God is. He knows all and sees all - I dont.
Good man. I feel the same.
I'm going to put a link here, an interview of someone born of the system and used by it, who committed atrocities for it but it wasn't who they were. From their own perspective.
This is why we need to have discernment first and foremost, and then compassion.
I intend to begin posting links as posts to highlight this channel, but I'd be just as happy if you'd like to take the initiative and garner thumbs ups and what-not.
I tend to burn my bridges, but I always come back and I'm always based as fuck. I just don't take shit from anyone when I feel infringed upon.