so, as some of you know i make music - years ago i had a buddy from Ukraine i met on FB through the music.
He was a dude i talked to alot because when i was up late catching a buzz and everyone out here was asleep, his timezone had him there with me lol
Dude was based tho, knew his gov was corrupt as mine, we had some long talks. He loved "America" and wished he could come here. and this was years before the Q drops n all that mind you. But yeah...
I Wonder how he's doing. Like, sure we think Ukraine and we instantly think the worst. but....
Can you be mad at a guy in Florida that lives near Disney just because shady shit happens at that park? That dude was a good dude and its been years since I've spoke to him. Who knows if hes even still alive.
I do understand that long-form interviews are hard to sit through, that's why I work through them. I'm a driver, so instead of listening to music, I listen to people who survived satanic ritual abuse and being born of the families who think they rule this world.
If you have a mindless project, or you have extra time while you're doing something else, then pop that video on while you do it.
That whole channel is mostly golden. There are only a couple people where my discernment pings.
like i said, i bookmarked it.
i work the assembly line of "food" that is a major corporation pizza shop. dont worry, ill have time to check it out lol
check out that song though. RA gave the realest pov of a nom vet ive ever seen depicted in media