NEJM Study Reveals Pfizer's Antiviral Drug Paxlovid Does ‘Little or Nothing’ Against COVID-19 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by ...
A new study published in theNew England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) raises serious questions about the efficacy of Pfizer’s antiviral drug Paxlovid, which was previously authorized for emergency use to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 cases.
Fake drug for a fake virus
I bet these drugs are what cause symptoms. Look here, not there.
In other news
cabal medicine sucks
Sounds way too close to Remdesivir, so, more poison. I'll pass, thanks!
Ahhh so Fauci went with his AZT model of drug therapy? Something tells me most of pharma drugs do NOTHING.
They do something for sure, but nothing expected though. Whole bunch of side effects, future diseases, long term damages, etc. Oh yeah, its something. In fact its their investment so the customers to come back again for more.