Good analysis. It's so weird to see MSM talking heads spouting off about Orange Man Bad during their daily rant and wondering if they even know their ratings are dropping like a rock along with their ad revenue? Every hour of the day has viewers leaving. Like the band playing while the Titanic sunk. Nothing they say matters anymore to most of the American People. They've become a cult channel for a few never Trumpers, washed up RINOS, and angry people stuck at the airports and nursing homes. When was the last time anyone gave a rats ass about what Joe Scarborough said or any of his media sound alikes?
Good analysis. It's so weird to see MSM talking heads spouting off about Orange Man Bad during their daily rant and wondering if they even know their ratings are dropping like a rock along with their ad revenue? Every hour of the day has viewers leaving. Like the band playing while the Titanic sunk. Nothing they say matters anymore to most of the American People. They've become a cult channel for a few never Trumpers, washed up RINOS, and angry people stuck at the airports and nursing homes. When was the last time anyone gave a rats ass about what Joe Scarborough said or any of his media sound alikes?