Biden says he's considering Australia's request to drop prosecution of Wikileaks founder Assange
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I assumed that everyone knows that they promoted this idea without ever fully saying Seth Rich gave them anything.
So my point is if they had proof Seth Rich gave them the DNC emails why haven't they actually said that.
Particularly after WikiLeaks was cited in a federal Indictment that explains who stole the emails and gave them to WikiLeaks and when.
And that it was part of a broader cyber campaign that also released emails from the DCCC and John Podesta and lots of other places Seth Rich had no access to.
Because that would be Wikileaks revealing their source to protect themselves. That's journalism ethics 101. I know, it's a novel concept in current year, but all journalists used to have this same standard.
So if they won't reveal anything about Seth Rich, why are people say they are worried about revealing something about Seth Rich.
And did you read the Indictment? There's a lot of info there. Like it would pretty hard for Seth Rich to transfer the file to WikiLeaks if he was already dead when that file was transferred to WikiLeaks.