223 Clandestine: Accountability for Covid is going to require a Nuremberg-type of reckoning, not another congressional "investigation" [that goes nowhere!] (media.greatawakening.win) posted 298 days ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid 298 days ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid +223 / -0 33 comments download share 33 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Trump being a LOT of a dictator would be the most fantastic blessing upon the nation and planet imaginable
Geotus PDJT
When you simply apply the law as codified you don't need to be a dictator. Enforce the law and the penalties and we will be fine.
If only it were that easy
Reality is different
"Trump being a LOT of a dictator would be the most fantastic blessing upon the nation and planet imaginable"