So... I was just thinking about how there's so many people here from so many different walks of life, different ages, etc....but we all have that common ground and there's so much COMMUNITY here.
I truly believe many of us would be struggling alot harder w/ life and "current events" ALOT worse if this place never existed and we never had this little message board to come to daily
i know I definitely would be. Infact, I'm 35, that's the young side of "old" but here's one for the folk with more candles on the cake than me ;)
"He aint heavy, he's my fren "
Good tune
Would it be too "un-PC" to bring up the old joke about Richard Carpenter writing a song called "She ain't heavy, she's my sister?"
Those are the only kind i have
LOL if you dont get the reference (from a silly movie called Grandma's Boy. it has a personal attachment to me) - heres an 8 second youtube clip:
kek Good stuff. I missed the reference completely. Short story...
By chance I sat in the 'Q' section at a rally around 2018. I knew nothing of 8chan, voat or 4 chan. Had a guy running down the stadium stairs say, 'Hey look! You sat in the Q section', as he continued moving on down to the floor.
I looked at my brother and shrugged-what's he talking about?
I had seen many Q signs, shirts. Wasn't very interested in why? But that kid peaked my interest.
The OMB 'air q-ing, pointing Q people out etc.. Just noticing oddities, really. It was this night I began my journey as an anon.
I went home that night and began discovering.
I've done most of my learning off of this board. I came over from thedonald/pwin. It has helped keep my sanity. Without the truth being shared it could get awfully lonely when living amongst the fools, as I do.
Anons like you motivate me. To repurpose a gov't propaganda line that triggers my inner anger, "We are all in this together." Kkek
Let's make sure the digital battlefield is filled with the Truth!! Reaching good people is as simple as pointing out when they sit in the Q section. Worked on me. I'm thankful.