Biden: I'll Consider Further Unilateral Action on Guns, Can't Believe Trump Said 'No One's Going to Touch Your Guns'
During an interview with Univision that took place last Wednesday and aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden stated that he would consider taking further | Clips
My state,oklahoma passed a law saying local police can't help them with unconstitutional laws.
Trump needs to explain why we don't have wars on our soil. It could be done in a few soundbites, then add how the gangs coming over are armed. Any logical person would be alarmed at Biden's threat.
Good Luck Bruh. 10 firearms per 1 person in the United States.
Biden has been awarded "Gun Salesman of the Century". Sorry Obama you have failed again.
Yup! 👍
Gotta remember these perps view the Constitution and any oaths made, are just a buncha words... They feel they are above the Law of the Land..
The real beauty of the 2nd Amendment, is that it requires no help from politicians, judges or soldiers to maintain it's integrity. That's why we have all the guns. Sure, they have bigger guns, but they would soon be ours. Also, there is a huge enthusiasm gap, between the gun grabbers, and the well armed citizens. Mercenaries versus patriots always ends badly for the mercenaries.
Well said!!
Of course we all know he's in place to destroy the constitution. Yet, it's still amazing to me that the swamp creatures show no shame in yelling it from the rooftops.
That is called 'Hubris'....
Oh, I thought that up to this point he had done everything by the book. Not.
"But sir, even your crack addict son had a gun."
Lol...rules for law abiding Americans is different than my criminal son, don't you know.
Trump said "fast and furious" They're probably gun running to the gangs coming over the border. What's next is anyone's guess.