304 PRAYER REQUEST: KLAUS SCHWAB IN HOSPITAL. We need to pray for this man! LORD, TAKE THIS MAN AND PUT HIM IN HELL WHERE HE BELONGS! (media.scored.co) 🧐 Prayers Wanted 🤔 posted 10 months ago by catsfive 10 months ago by catsfive +306 / -2 137 comments share 137 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Think of looking out in the world, mountains and valleys (of righteousness and wickedness).
We look at a horizontal line comparing mankind with themselves.
When you compare mankind to God, it’s like viewing the earth from the sun, the mountains and valleys appear the same.
To attain heaven, you must have righteousness that is as high as the sun, not high mountains.
If you can’t do it, you deserve hell and death, but no matter how high the mountain or low the valley, Christ can cover that distance.